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All  uses  of  this  manuscript  are  covered  by  a 
legal  agreement  between  the  Regents  of  the  University 
of  California  and  George  B.  Hartzog,  dated  16  November 
1967.   The  manuscript  is  thereby  made  available  for 
research  purposes.  All  literary  rights  in  the  manu 
script,  including  the  right  to  publish,  are  reserved 
to  The  Bancroft  Library  of  the  University  of  California 
at  Berkeley.  No  part  of  the  manuscript  may  be  quoted 
for  publication  without  the  written  permission  of  the 
Director  of  The  Bancroft  Library  of  the  University  of 
California  at  Berkeley. 

Requests  for  permission  to  quote  for  publication 
should  be  addressed  to  the  Regional  Oral  History  Office, 
486  Library,  and  should  include  identification  of  the 
specific  passages  to  be  quoted,  anticipated  use  of  the 
passages,  and  identification  of  the  user.  The  legal 
agreement  with  George  B.  Hartzog  requires  that  he  be 
notified  of  the  request  and  allowed  thirty  days  in  which 
to  respond. 

The  Bancroft  Library  University  of  California/Berkeley 

Regional  Oral  History  Office 

George  B.  Hartzog 

An  Interview  Conducted  by 
Amelia  R.  Fry 

Copy  No. 

1973  The  Regents  of  the  University  of  California 

George   B.    Hartzog 
Director,    National  Park  Service 


TABLE  OF  CONTENTS  --  George  B.  Hartzog 



Public  Support  through  Communication  3 

Importance  of  Urban  Areas  7 


Conrad  Wirth's  Retirement  9 

Relationship  to  Other  Agencies  13 





Procedures  45 

Redwood  Park  Example  49 

Committees  and  Congressmen  51 



APPENDIX  A:   S.F.  Sunday  Examiner  and  Chronicle  clipping, 

dated  October  15,  1967.  66 

APPENDIX  B:   E.  T.  Scoyen  to  United  States  National  Park  Service, 
Conference  of  Challenges.   An  Address,  October  18, 
1963.  67 

APPENDIX  C:   Statement  of  George  B.  Hartzog,  made  before 
Subcommittee  on  Parks  and  Recreation  of  the 
House  Interior  and  Insular  Affairs  Committee, 
January  18,  1968.  72 

APPENDIX  D:  Listing  of  George  B.  Hartzog  in  Who's  Who  in 

America.  1967-1968.  87 

APPENDIX  E:   Letter  from  George  B.  Hartzog  to  Amelia  Fry, 

December  15,  1972.  88 

APPENDIX  F:   Memorandum  from  Horace  M.  Albright  on  the 
Directorship  of  the  National  Park  Service, 
December  26,  1972.  89 

INDEX  90 


National  Park  Director  George  B.   Hartzog  was  interviewed  as  a 
part  of  the  Regional  Oral  History  Office's  series  on  parks   and  conservation, 
After  the  interviews  with  former  Directors  Newton  B.   Drury  and  Horace 
Albright,    an  up-dating  of  the  directions  of  national  park  policy  and 
management  was  needed.     Director  Hartzog,   as  one  who  had  most  recently 
been  guiding   the  parks,  was   in  a  unique  position  to   comment. 

Interviewer;      Amelia  R.   Fry. 

Time  and  Place;     April  4,    1965,    during  Director  Hartzog's  visit 
to  California  for  the  Sierra  Club's  wilderness   conference.     The  interview 
was  held  in  Muir  Woods  National  Monument,  where  the  superintendent  made 
his  office  available  for  the  tape  recording. 

The  Interview;      Grateful  acknowledgement  belongs   to  Newton  Drury, 
who  was  still  working  on  parts  of  his  oral  history  at  the   time,    for 
helping  arrange  Mr.   Hartzog's  willing   consent   to   record  the   interview 
after  a  speech  in  Muir  Woods. 

Seated  in  the  desk  chair  in  the  redwood  office  with   the  staccato 
palaver  of   tourists  outside  punctuating  his  remarks,  Mr.   Hartzog  answered 
the  questions  with  the  easy  articulation  of  one  who  had  been  over  them 
many   times  in  his  own  mind  during  the  past  year,   his  first  year  as 

Although  his  busy  schedule  demanded  an  arbitrary   cut-off  time   for 
the  interview,    the  pace  of  the  conversation  was  unrelenting  but  unhurried. 
His  answers  are   thorough  and  thoughtful  within  the  time  frame  available, 
and  his   dedication   to  park  preservation  and,   simultaneously,    the 
sometimes   conflicting  public  availability  of  the  lands,    is  fully  evident. 
In  fact,    the  theme  of  the  interview  can  be  his  statement,   "There  is 
nothing  easy  about   this.      I   don't  think  it  should  ever  get  real  easy; 
if  it  does,    I   don't   think   the  American  public  will  appreciate   their  parks. 
I   think  we  always  have   to  be  on  the   leading  edge  of  concern   .    .    .    ." 

After  Mr.   Hartzog  returned   to  Washington,    a  proposal  was  sent   to 
him  from  the  Regional  Oral  History  Office  to  continue   the   taping,   once 
each  year,    for  as   long  as  he  would  be   in  office.      The   transcript  was  held 
in    limbo  status  while   various  plans  were  outlined  and  negotiations 


pursued  with  Cornelius  Heine   (then  a  National  Park  officer  charged  with 
planning  an  agency  effort  to  preserve  documentation  of  National  Park 
Service  history),  with  the  Forest  History  Society,    and  with  Director 
Hartzog.     The  correspondence  file  shows   that  in  1967  additional  sessions 
were  still  being  considered,    and  in  1969  at  the  Ladybird  Grove 
dedication  of  the  National  Redwood  Park  Mr.   Heine  felt  there  was  still 
a  chance  to  allow  a  year-by-year  current  record  to  be  recorded. 

In  the  meantime,    the  transcript  was  edited  in  1967  (very  little, 
but  some)  by   the  interviewer  and  sent  to  Mr.  Hartzog,  who  made  a  few 
light  emendations,   mainly  changes  in  a  word  here  and  there,    and  who 
also  apparently  had  one  or  two  close  aides   read  it.     He  returned  it 
January  of  1968  with  an  agreement  for  open  use,   but  further  processing 
was  postponed  on  the  possibility  of  additional  sessions.     Also  in  early 
1968,   Robert  Cahn,    a  staff  correspondent  of  Christian  Science  Monitor, 
received  permission  from  Mr.  Hartzog  to  use  a  copy  of  the   transcript  as 
part  of  the  source  material  for  a  series  of  15  articles  on  the  national 
parks  which  appeared  in  that  newspaper  the  spring  and  summer  of  1968. 
Copies  of  three  of  the  series   are  in  the  Hartzog  file  in  The  Bancroft 

Even  though   the  idea  of  an  annual  interview  had  bogged  down, 
Mr.  Hartzog's  interest  continued  and  he  had  corroborating  material  sent 
for  the  appendix — such  as   the  1963  speeches  of  Eivind  Scoyen  and  Conrad 
Wirth.     More  bulky  supplemental  documents  are   filed  separately  with  the 
interview  at   The  Bancroft  Library. 

The  Regional  Oral  History  Office  has   also  included  in  the  appendix 
two  letters  pertaining  to  Hartzog's   resignation  after  the  re-election 
of  President  Nixon  in  1972:      one  is   a  letter  to  the  interviewer  from 
the  Director;    the  other  is  a  letter  sent   to  the  interviewer  at  about  the 
same  time   from  former  Director  Horace  M.  Albright,  who  consented  to  its 
inclusion  in  the  manuscript.     At   this   time  the  manuscript  was   final-typed 
and  sent   through   the  process  of  proofing,   indexing,    and  binding.     The 
National  Park  Service  Regional  Office  in  San  Francisco  is   to  be   thanked 
for  furnishing  the  photograph  of  its  recent  Director. 

Amelia  R.  Fry 


Regional  Oral  History  Office 

20  October  1973 
486  The  Bancroft  Library 
University  of  California 
Berkeley,  California 


Regional  Oral  History  Office 

The  Bancroft  Library 

University  of  California,  Berkeley 

Albright ,  Horace  M.   and 
Drury,  Newton  B. 

Black,  Rexford 

Bryant,  Harold  C.   and 
Drury,  Newton  B. 

Chaney,  Ralph  Works 
Clepper ,  Henry 

Coffman,  John  D. 

Colby,  William  E. 
Colgan,  Richard 

Dana,  Samuel  T. 
Drury,  Newton  B. 
Dunshee,  Bertram  K. 

Evison,  Herbert   and 
Drury,  Newton  B. 

Farquhar,  Francis  P. 

Comments  on  Conservation^  1900- 
1960.   1962.  vi,  53  p. 

Private  and  State  Forestry  in 
California.  1917-1960.   1968.  159  p. 

Development  of  the  Naturalist  Pro 
gram  in  the  National  Park  gervice. 

1964.  vi,  49  p. 

Ralph  Works  Chaney _t  Ph.D^.  Paleo- 
botanist.  Conservationist. 
1960.  x,  277  p. 

The  Society  of  American  Foresters. 
1968.  36  p.  (Bound  with  Hornaday 
and  Pomeroy.) 

Forest  Protection  in  :the  National 
Parks.   1973.  ix,  126  p. 

Reminiscences.   1954.  vi,  145  p. 

Forestry  in  the  California  Pine 
Region.   1968.  50  p.  (Bound  with 
Krueger . ) 

The  Development  of  Forestry  in 
Government  and  Education.  1967.  98  p. 

Parks  and  Redwoods.   2  vols.  1972. 
xxii,  772  p. 

Land  Planning  in  Marin  County. 

1965.  v,  53  p. 

The  National  Park  Service^  and  Civilian 
Conservation  Corps.   1963.  vii,  143  p. 

Francis  P.  Farquhar  on  Accountancy, 
Mountaineering,  and  the  National  Parks. 
I960,  xv,  376  p. 

French,  Enoch  Percy  and 
Drury,  Newton  B. 

Cruising  and  Protecting  the  Redwoods 
of  Humboldt.   1963.  vi,  86  p. 

Fritz,  Eraanuel 
Gill,  Tom 

Granger,  Christopher 
Hall,  Ansel  F. 

Hall,  R.  Clifford 

Hartzog,  George  B. 
Hornaday,  Fred  E. 

Isaac,  Leo 

Knowland,  Joseph  R.   and 
Drury,  Newton  B. 

Krueger,  Myron  E. 

Lowdermilk,  Walter  C. 

Lund,  Walter 

McCulloch,  Walter 
Metcalf,  Woodbridge 
Miller,  Loye  H. 

Emanuel  Fritz:  Teacher.  Editor,  and 
Forestry  Consultant.  1972.  xiii,  336  p. 

The  Summary  of  the  Career  of  Tom  Gill. 
International  Forester.   1969.  vi,  75  p. 

Forest  Management  in  the  United  States 
Forest  Service.   1965.  xiv,  131  p. 

A  conversation  between  Ansel  F.  Hall 
and  Francis  P.  Farquhar,  appended  to 
Francis  P.  Farquhar  volume.  1958.  34  p. 

Forest  Taxation  Study  1926-1935.  1967. 
vii,  113  p.  (Bound  with  Shepard.) 

The  National  Parks.  1965.  1973.  90  p. 

The  American  Forestry  Association; 
1928-1964.   1968.  20  p.   (Bound 
with  Clepper  and  Pomeroy.) 

Douglas  Fir  Research  in  the  Pacific 
Northwest.   1967.  152  p. 

Conservation  and  Politics.  1965.  ix, 
120  p. 

Forestry  and  Technology  in  Northern 
California.   1968.  27  p.   (Bound 
with  Colgan.) 

Soil.  Forest,  and  Water  Conservation 
in  China.  Israel.  Africa,  and  the 
United  States.  2  vols.  1969.  xxxix, 
704  p. 

Timber  Management  in  the  Pacific 
Northwest.  1927-1965.  1967.  vi, 
83  p. 

Forestry  and  Education  in  Oregon. 
1937-1966.   1968.  viii,  216  p. 

Extension  Forester.  1926-1956. 
1969.  vii,  138  p. 

The  Interpretive  Naturalist.   1970. 
ix ,  61  p . 

Four  interviews  on  John  Muir  by 
personal  acquaintances  John  Briones, 
William  Colby,  Dr.  Herbert  Evans, 
and  Frank  Swett.   1971.  106  p. 

Hunger,  Thornton  T. 
Packard,  Walter  E. 

Peirce,  Earl  S. 
Pomeroy,  Kenneth  B. 

Ringland,  Arthur  C. 

Schofield,  William  R. 
Shepard,  Harold  B. 

Show,  Stuart  Bevier 
Sieker,  John  H. 

Swift,  Lloyd 

Forest  Research  in  the  Northwest. 

1967.  x,  245  p. 

Land  and  Power  Development  in 
California.  Greece,  and  Latin 
America.  1970.  xiv,  603  p. 

Salvage  Programs  Following  the 
1938  Hurricane.  1968.  viii,  52  p. 

The  American  Forestry  Association; 
Operations.   1968.  21  p.  (Bound 
with  Clepper  and  Hornaday.) 

Conserving  Human  and  Natural 
Resources.  1970.  xvi,  538  p. 

Lobbying  in  California.   1968.  159  p. 

The  Forest  Insurance  Study,  a  written 
memoir.   1967.  6  p.   (Bound  with  R. 
Clifford  Hall.) 

National  Forests  in  California. 
1965.  xvi,  215  p. 

Recreation  Policy  and  Administration 
in  the  United  States  Forest  Service. 

1968.  xi,  49  p.   (Bound  with  Swift.) 

Wildlife  .Policy  and  Administration 
in  the  United  States  Forest  Service. 
1968.  29  p.   (Bound  with  Sieker.) 


Eddy  Tree  Breeding  Station 

Gladys  Austin 
Jack  Carpender 
W.C.  Gumming 
A.  R.  Liddicoet 
Nicholas  Mirov 
R.  I.  Righter 

Kneipp,  Leon  F. 

Kotok,  E.I. 

A  six-part  volume  of  individual 
interviews  with  men  and  women 
who  participated  in  the  estab 
lishment  and  early  work  of  the 
Eddy  Tree  Breeding  Station  near 
Placerville,  California. 

Assistant  Chief  of  the  U.S.  Forest 
Service  in  charge  of  lands  and 

Assistant  Chief  of  the  U.S.  Forest 
Service  in  charge  of  research,  of 
state  and  private  forestry. 

Marsh,  Raymond  E. 

Nelson,  DeWitt 
Roberts,  Paul 

Assistant  Chief  of  the  U.S.  Forest 
Service  in  charge  of  economic  re 

State  natural  resources  administrator. 
Forest  Service  administrator. 

October  1973 

(Interview:  April  4,  1965) 


Fry:  First  I'd  like  to  ask  about  your  background, 

where  you  were  born  and  what  kind  of  schooling 
you  had. 
Hartzog:  Well,  I  was  born  in  1920  on  a  farm  in  South 

Carolina  in  the  lower  part  of  the  state  in  Colleton 
County.   I  went  to  public  school.  The  school  that 
I  graduated  from  was  a  military  preparatory  school 
in  the  town  of  Bamberg,  South  Carolina,  Carlisle 
Military  School.  After  graduating  from  there  in  1937 
I  went  to  Wofford  College  in  Spartenberg,  South 
Carolina  for  one  semester  until  I  had  to  stop  school 
and  go  to  work  because  of  family  difficulties. 

I  went  to  work  as  a  stenographer,  from  there 
went  into  a  law  office  as  a  stenographer  and  studied 
law  at  night  in  the  law  office.  I  passed  the  bar 
examination  and  was  admitted  to  practice  law  in  1942. 
In  the  meantime,  I  had  gone  into  the  Service  in  1940 
with  the  National  Guard  when  it  was  inducted,  and  I 
got  out  in  1941  just  before  Pearl  Harbor.   I  went  back 
into  the  Service  for  the  second  time  in  1943. 

After  the  war  I  went  to  work  for  the  Department 
of  Interior  as  an  attorney  in  the  Bureau  of  Land 

Hartzog:  Management.  After  six  months  there,  I  left  the 

bureau  and  went  to  work  for  a  law  firm  in  Washington 
and  was  there  only  a  matter  of  a  few  weeks  when  the 
National  Park  Service  offered  me  a  job  as  an  attorney  — 
the  National  Park  Service  office  was  then  in  Chicago. 
So  I  went  to  Chicago  for  the  National  Park  Service 
as  an  attorney,  and  a  year  later  the  office  was 
transferred  back  to  Washington,  and  I  stayed  there  a 
few  weeks  and  was  then  transferred  down  to  Lake  Texoma, 
at  Denison,  Texas. 

It  was  an  area  which  we  administered  under  a 
cooperative  agreement  with  the  Corps  of  Engineers. 
There  I  served  as  regional  attorney  for  the  Southwest 
Region  of  National  Park  Service.   I  was  out  there  about 
ten  months ,  and  then  I  went  back  to  Washington  as  a 
lawyer . 

In  1950  I  was  detailed  -  and  then  later  trans 
ferred  -  to  the  concessions  management  work  of  the 
National  Park  Service.  I  stayed  in  that  office  until 
1955,  when  I  went  to  Rocky  Mountain  National  Park  as 
assistant  superintendent.  In  1957  I  went  to  the  Great 
Smoky  Mountains  as  assistant  superintendent. 

In  1959  I  went  to  St.  Louis  as  superintendent  of 
the  Jefferson  National  Expansion  Memorial,  which  was 

Hartzog:  a  big  project  just  then  beginning  to  be  developed 
on  the  river  front,  telling  the  story  of  westward 
expansion.   I  stayed  there  until  the  bulk  of  the 
money  had  been  obligated  and  the  majority  of  the 
work  had  been  put  under  contract;  and  then  a  private 
organization  offered  me  a  job  as  executive  director 
of  Downtown  St.  Louis  Incorporated,  which  I  accepted 
in  1962,  resigning  from  the  National  Park  Service  in 
July.  Shortly  after  I  left  the  Service,  Connie 
Wirth  and  Secretary  Udall  offered  me  the  job  of 
Associate  Director  of  the  Park  Service,  and  I  went 
back  with  the  Service  in  February  of  1963.  And 
then  I  took  over  as  Director  in  January  1964. 

Public  Support  Through  Communication 

Fry:  Would  you  like  to  say  anything  concerning  this  path 
you  have  just  laid  out  for  us  here,  of  experiences 
you've  had  which  you  think  have  a  bearing  on  your 
role  now  as  director  of  the  National  Parks?  For 
instance,  I  noticed  you  said  your  concessions 
management  work  in  1950  took  up  a  lot  of  your  time. 
Do  you  find  that  this  is  valuable  to  you  now? 
Hartzog:  Well,  I  do.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  during  the  time 
that  I  was  in  Washington,  the  period  beginning  in 

Hartzog:   1948  when  I  went  back  to  Washington  from  Lake 

Texoma  -  that  seven  years  -  I  went  to  night  school 
at  the  American  University  and  got  a  degree  in 
business  administration.  And  I  also  came  within 
three  hours  of  being  able  to  finish  the  Master's 
Degree  in  business  administration.  This  was  a 
period  during  which  I  was  also  working  in  concessions, 

I  find  it  to  be  very  beneficial;  I  think  that 
more  and  more  big  government  and  big  business  have 
a  great  deal  in  common.   I  found  this  to  be  true 
when  I  left  the  government  and  went  with  a  private 
organization.  While  it  was  an  association  of 
business  people,  I  had  an  opportunity  to  observe 
some  of  their  own  operations  and  procedures.   So 
I  think  that  all  this  has  been  a  great  help  to  me. 

I  think  there  is  another  thing  that  I  learned, 
in  St.  Louis  particularly:  the  need  for  a  great  deal 
of  communication  with  a  great  many  people  when  you 
are  involved  in  a  big  project.  Particularly  when 
you  are  involved  in  a  project  that  has  a  lot  of 
controversy,  which  this  particular  project  did  have 
in  St.  Louis.  For  example,  the  first  contract  that 
we  awarded  in  St.  Louis,  we  had  to  have  it  agreed  to 

Hartzog:  by  sixteen  different  cooperating  organizations  in 
order  to  get  it  out.  But  this  we  were  able  to  do. 
This  experience  also  impressed  upon  me  the  need  for 
waiting  until  you  get  all  your  facts  before  you  make 
up  your  mind.  The  need  to  go  talk  to  the  other 
person  and  to  find  out  what  is  on  his  mind,  because 
sometimes  lack  of  communications  is  really  at  the 
root  of  the  problem.  Rather  than  there  being  a 
problem  in  itself,  it's  just  the  fact  that  people 
aren't  talking,  and  what  they  don't  understand  they 
are  generally  against. 
Fry:  So  that  this  also  has  a  bearing  on  being  sure  where 

your  support  lies  before  you  make  a  decision. 
Hartzog:   Well,  not  necessarily  where  your  support  lies 

(but  certainly  you  want  to  know  what  your  support 
is;  you  want  to  know  where  your  emphasis  should  be); 
even  more  important  than  this,  you  want  to  be  sure 
that  when  you  have  finished  with  a  subject,  and 
are  ready  to  make  a  decision  on  it,  you've  got  a 
better  case  against  yourself  than  the  other  fellow 
has.   This  is,  1  suppose,  not  only  from  my  training 
with  the  Park  Service  and  government,  but  my  legal 
background  as  well.  When  you  start  doing  your  brief, 

Hartzog:  you  want  to  make  sure  you  research  the  cases  for 

the  opposition  as  well  as  for  your  own,  so  that  you 
understand  what  the  issue  is. 

Fry:  1  think  that  we  should  mention  here  some  of  your 
major  projects  when  you  were  a  solicitor  for  the 
National  Parks. 

Hartzog:  No,  I  was  just  an  attorney  in  the  Chief  Counsel's 
office;  I  was  in  charge  of  the  regulations  and 
contracts  activity  in  the  Chief  Counsel's  office. 
And  it  was  because  of  this  experience  that  I  got 
involved  in  the  concessions  work,  which  involved 
at  the  time  the  difficulties  -  which  I'm  sure 
Mr.  Drury  and  Mr.  Albright  have  talked  with  you 
about  -  involving  concession  policies,  contract 
language,  and  negotiation  of  these  contracts.* 
Fry:  Was  this  where  you  crossed  over  the  line  from  strict 
legal  work  into  more  general  park  service  work? 

Hartzog:  Yes,  that  is  right. 

Fry:  Well,  then  for  our  purposes  I  think  I'd  like  to  skip 
over  the  Jefferson  Expansion  Memorial  part,  and 

*cf .  Drury,  Newton  Bishop  and  Albright,  Horace 
Marden,  "Comments  on  Conservation,  1900  to  1960,"  typed 
transcript  of  tape-recorded  interview  conducted  by 
Amelia  Roberts  Fry,  University  of  California  General 
Library  Regional  Oral  History  Office,  (Berkeley,  1962). 
In  Bancroft  Library. 

Fry:   I  gather  that  you've  just  distilled  out  for  us  the 
experience  there  that  you  thought  was  important. 

Importance  of  Urban  Areas 

Hartzog:   I  think  so.   I  think  that  there  is  another  aspect 
of  this  which  has  made  a  great  impression  on  me, 
and  that  is  the  part  that  parks  play  for  people  in 
urban  environments,  the  fact  that  the  federal  govern 
ment  has  a  very  important  part  in  this  total  picture 
of  dealing  with  parks  and  open  space  in  urban  environ 
ment.  This  is  where  our  country  was  born,  as  a 
matter  of  fact,  in  towns  and  communities. 

The  National  Park  Service  is  deeply  involved 
in  city  parks.  A  lot  of  people  are  under  the  mis 
apprehension  that  we  don't  know  too  much  about  city 
parks,  when  as  a  matter  of  fact,  the  National  Park 
Service  probably  runs  more  city  parks  than  any  other 
particular  instrumentality  of  government  in  existence. 
Starting  with  St.  Augustine  and  all  the  way  to  Boston, 
Massachusetts,  and  following  the  flow  of  civilization 
westward,  we  run  city  parks.  There  are  some  750  odd 
of  them  in  the  District  of  Columbia,  and  that  is  some 
40,000  acres  right  there  alone.  There  is  a  91  acre 
park  right  on  the  river  front  in  St.  Louis,  you  see. 


Hartzog:   So  we  have  a  tremendous  city  park  program,  which 
I  don't  think  we've  ever  really  related  to  the 
total  broad  picture  of  park  administration  and 
wilderness  preservation. 

This  is  one  of  the  things  I  was  trying  to  say 
to  the  Wilderness  Conference  here  this  week,  that 
all  these  things  are  tied  together.  You  can't 
protect  wilderness  by  drawing  a  boundary  line 
around  it  and  saying  this  is  "wilderness"  and  we 
are  going  to  protect  this,  without  some  understand 
ing  and  some  relating  of  these  things  all  the  way 
back  to  where  people  are  in  the  cities,  because 
this  is  why  you  are  protecting  the  lands  and  this 
is  why  you  want  to  preserve  them,  so  that  they  can 
be  of  value  and  benefit  to  people.   If  you  are  going 
to  do  this,  then  I  think  you  have  to  relate  all  of 
this.   I  think  you  start  relating  it  right  where 
people  are,  and  that  is  in  town. 


Conrad  Wirth's  Retirement 
Fry:   I  ran  across  an  article  in  the  New  York  Times 

when  Conrad  Wirth  first  announced  his  decision  to 
resign.   It  said  that  some  in  the  Park  Service  had 
felt  that  the  Bureau  of  Outdoor  Recreation's  activities 
should  have  been  handled  by  the  National  Park  Service, 
and  in  turn  administration  officials  regard  the  Park 
Service  as  being  "inbred  and  so  professional  that 
it  has  lost  sight  of  its  obligation  to  the  public."* 
Can  you  give  us  some  light  on  the  context  in  which 
this  occurred? 

Hartzog:  Well,  as  a  matter  of  fact,  what  I  could  give  you 
is  probably  no  different  than  what  you  can  get  by 
reading  Connie's  own  statement  at  the  conference 
in  Yosemite  in  1963.**  The  word  resign  was  used,  and 
I  think  that  it  was  an  unfortunate  word;  because, 
as  a  matter  of  fact,  he  retired.   I  think  that  this 
whole  thing  to  be  understood,  has  to  be  related  to 
what  Eivind  Scoyen  said  at  the  conference  at  Yosemite 
and  also  a  letter  which  Eivind  Scoyen  sent  to  many 
people  throughout  the  United  States  following  this. 
When  he  resigned  (There  again  one  uses  this  word 

*New  York  Times.  October  17,  1963,  p.  25,  column  1. 
**cf.  appendix. 


Hartzog:   "resign"  when  one  is  really  talking  about  retiring. 
Nobody  could  say  that  Eivind  Scoyen  resigned;  he 
served  some  50-odd  years  in  the  Park  Service.) — when 
Eivind  Scoyen  was  ready  to  retire,  as  he  relates  the 
story,  he  told  the  Director,  who  was  at  that  time 
Connie  Wirth,  and  Connie  Wirth  asked  him  and  several 
other  people  to  sit  as  a  committee  to  select  a  list 
of  nominees  for  associate  director.  One  of  the 
committee  was  John  Preston,  the  superintendent  at 
Yosemite;  another  was  Ronnie  Lee,  who  was  Regional 
Director  of  the  Northeast  Region;  Tom  Vint,  who  was 
at  that  time  the  chief  of  the  design  and  construction 
organization;  and  Kivind  Scoyen  and  himself,   Connie 
Wirth.   They  selected  five  names,  and  I  was  one  of 
the  five. 

Eivind  Scoyen  tells  the  story  that  I  was  the 
number  one  nominee  of  the  five;  John  Preston  tells 
the  same  story.   I  know  that  there  was  such  a  list, 
because  before  I  resigned  from  the  Park  Service  in 
1962,  I  went  to  Washington  and  talked  to  Connie  Wirth 
and  asked  him  what  the  future  was  for  me  in  the 
National  Park  Service.  And  at  that  time  I  told  him 
I  knew  that  this  job  was  open.   I  told  him  that  the 
people  in  St.  Louis  had  made  me  a  very  attractive 


Hartzog:   proposition,  much  better  than  what  I  then  had, 

but  that  my  whole  life  had  been  in  the  Park  Service. 
I  said  that  if  there  was  something  in  the  offing  for 
me  in  the  Park  Service  that  was  different  from  what 
I  had  then  as  superintendent  I  wanted  to  evaluate 
it  in  that  context,  rather  than  in  the  context  of 
superintendent  of  the  Memorial.   (The  grade 
structure  of  the  National  Park  Service  at  that  time 
was  such  that  a  Civil  Service  rank  of  GS  15  was  as 
high  as  you  could  go,  unless  you  became  an  assistant 
director  or  regional  director  of  the  National  Capitol 
Region,  or  associate  director  or  director  -  these 
are  the  only  higher  grades  in  the  Park  Service.  So 
I  was  as  far  as  I  could  go  in  the  context  of  the 
field  service.)  At  that  time  Connie  Wirth  told  me 
that  there  was  a  list  of  people  under  consideration 
for  the  job  of  associate  director,  and  that  my  name 
was  on  that  list.  He  didn't  tell  me  that  I  was  going 
to  get  the  job,  or  that  I  was  going  to  be  offered  the 

So,  therefore,  the  only  thing  I  had  to  consider 
was  my  position  as  superintendent  at  St.  Louis  in 
relation  to  what  the  people  in  St.  Louis  were  offering 


Hartzog:  me.   So  I  resigned  and  accepted  their  offer.   It  was 
only  after  I  did  that  the  nominations  for  associate 
director  were  finally  sent  to  the  Secretary,  and  on 
the  basis  of  these  nominations  the  job  was  offered 
to  me.  So  you  see,  insofar  as  the  filling  of  the 
associate  director's  job  was  concerned,  this  was 
a  well-thought-out  process. 

Now,  at  the  time  that  I  came  back  into  the 
Service,  Connie  Wirth  told  me,  as  he  had  told 
a  lot  of  other  people  (he  had  made  no  public  announce 
ment  on  this,  but  he  had  certainly  told  us  this, 
and  he  said  as  much  at  Yosemite  when  this  whole 
thing  developed)  that  he  was  going  to  retire  because 
he  was  going  to  be  sixty-four  years  old  in  1964. 
He  felt  that  people  should  retire  in  their  early 
sixties.  And  I  know  that  he  believed  this,  because 
at  one  time  he  actually  moved  in  the  direction  of 
trying  to  encourage  the  same  kind  of  practice  with 
respect  to  retirement  from  the  Park  Service  that  the 
Forest  Service  encourages,  and  that  is,  retirement 
at  sixty-two.  Connie  was  then  sixty-four  years  old, 
so  for  a  full  year  or  more  in  advance  of  his  retire 
ment,  I  knew  he  was  going  to  retire.   Several  other 


Hartzog:  people  were  aware  of  the  fact  that  he  was  going 

to  retire.  So  that  the  context  of  the  news  publicity 
that  this  was  a  precipitous  act  on  his  part  is 
certainly  not  supported  by  the  facts  as  I  know  them 
to  be.  All  of  this  is  a  matter  of  record  in  those 
talks  that  were  made  down  at  Yosemite.  What  was 
the  other  part  of  the  question? 

Relationship  to  Other  Agencies 

Fry:   I  didn't  so  much  get  the  idea  that  his  retirement 
was  precipitous,  but  that  it  was  a  kind  of  slow 
evolutionary  result  of  the  change  of  administration 
from  Eisenhower  to  Kennedy,  and  also  in  the  New 
Bureau  of  Outdoor  Recreation,  set  up  in  the  Depart 
ment  of  the  Interior  but  intended  to  include 
recreation  aspects  of  other  departments  too.* 
Hartzog:  Well,  now  let's  talk  about  that.   I  know,  of  course, 
and  I  think  a  lot  of  people  are  aware  of  the  fact 
that  the  National  Park  Service  was  not  elated 
about  the  prospect  of  this  recommendation  of  the 
commission  for  a  separate  bureau,  because  they  felt 
they  had  the  authority  to  do  what  the  Outdoor 

*  cf .  New  York  Times,  re:  Departments  of  Agriculture 
and  Interior  settle  disputes  over  recreation 
areas.  Freeman  and  Udall:   "We  have  closed  the 
books  on  these  disputes."  President  Kennedy 
lauds  agreement.  February  2,  1963,  p.  4,  column  6. 


Hartzog:  Recreation  and  Resources  Review  Commission  was 
suggesting  be  done;  they  had  just  never  been 
financed  to  do  it.  And  actually  the  National  Park 
Service  did  have  much  of  the  authority  under  the 
1936  Park,  Parkway  and  Recreation  Area  Study  Act. 
The  nation-wide  recreation  planning  that  had  been 
done  up  to  the  time  of  the  ORRRC  had  in  fact  been 
done  by  the  National  Park  Service.  This  new  pub 
lication,  Parks  for  America,  is  part  of  this  whole 
planning  program.  There  has  been  no  secret  about 
the  opposition  of  the  Park  Service,  either  during 
the  formulation  of  this  recommendation  by  ORRRC  or 
after  it  was  made,  because  they  felt  they  could 
do  it.  And  I  think  an  acknowledgment  of  the  fact 
that  the  authority  existed,  is  the  fact  that  when 
the  Secretary  established  the  Bureau  of  Outdoor 
Recreation,  he  established  it  on  the  basis  of  the 
authority  that  then  existed  in  the  Department  of 
Interior  to  carry  on  these  activities. 

It's  true  that  the  organic  act  of  the  Bureau 
greatly  expanded  the  authority  which  had  previously 
existed,  you  see;  and  this  is  the  organic  act  now 
of  the  Bureau  of  Outdoor  Recreation.   But  that  came 
later  -  oh,  a  year,  a  year  and  a  half  after  the 


Hartzog:   Bureau  was  in  existence.   This  is  something  that 

I  also  think  careful  research  can  develop  and  fill 
out  the  details  on. 

Fry:   Well,  before  you  leave  this,  the  question  has  been 
raised  in  previous  interviews  about  whether  ORRRC 
was  dominated  more  by  the  Forest  Service,  which 
was  not  to  the  interest  of  the  Park  Service. 

Hartzog:   Well,  during  this  whole  time,  I  was  in  the  field, 
and  as  I  mentioned  to  you  walking  up  here,  this 
is  one  of  the  reasons  why  for  the  first  year  I 
have  been  in  Washington  I  have  spent  most  of  my 
time  in  the  field  trying  to  get  reacquainted  with 
the  broad  programs  of  the  Service,  because  when 
you're  in  these  field  areas  you  hear  a  lot  of  stuff, 
but  you  don't  know  what  is  going  on  in  any  precise 
factual  manner;  you  get  what  we  in  the  Park 
Service  call  the  grapevine,  you  know.   I've  heard 
this  same  rumor,  but  I  have  no  basis  for  forming  a 
judgment  one  way  or  the  other.   And  as  a  matter  of 
fact,  when  I  arrived  on  the  scene  in  Washington,  the 
whole  issue  had  been  resolved.   And  I  spent  my  time 
trying  to  establish  a  rapport  and  working  relationship 
with  the  new  Bureau,  which  I  felt  to  be  in  the  interest 
of  just  good  government  management  of  the  people's 


Hartzog:   business.   So  I  have  very  frankly  never  made  any 
effort  to  ascertain  whether  the  Forest  Service 
influence  on  ORRRC  is  true  or  false,  because  it's 
history;  it  either  is  a  fact  or  isn't  a  fact.  I 
don't  think  that  it  is  germane  to  my  relationship 
with  the  Bureau  of  Outdoor  Recreation,  and  therefore, 
I  had  a  lot  of  other  things  I  have  been  busier  trying 
to  get  done. 

Fry:  You  had  a  job  handed  to  you  with  that  as  past 

Hartzog:   That's  right,  so  I  think  that  within  the  past  two 

and  one-half  years,  we've  succeeded  in  establishing 
a  very  favorable  working  climate  with  the  Bureau  of 
Outdoor  Recreation  and  with  the  Forest  Service.  It 
has  contributed  to  moving  the  program  of  the  Park 
Service;  this  is  my  area  of  responsibility,  and  this 
is  what  I'm  primarily  interested  in,  but  I 
likewise  am  sensitive  to  what  is  good  management. 
I  think  that  for  the  good  of  all  of  our  programs, 
in  particular  for  the  good  of  my  own,  that  it's 
important  that  you  have  a  working  rapport  with 
these  bureaus;  and  this  is  what  I've  devoted  my 
efforts  to,  rather  than  trying  to  verify  whether 
this  or  that  piece  of  scuttlebutt  is  a  fact. 


Fry:   Is  this  a  rapport  between  the  top  level  directors? 

Hartzog:   It  is. 

Fry:  And  what  role  does  Secretary  Udall  play  in  this?  Or 
is  he  above  it  all?  -  -  no  I  don't  think  he's  above 
it  all. 

Hartzog:  well   ne«  °f  course,  is  actually  the  creator;  I 
think  he  is  the  moving  spirit,  really,  in  the  im 
provement  of  the  relationship  between  the  Department 
of  Interior  and  the  Department  of  Agriculture.   It 
involves  things  beyond  just  my  area  of  programming; 
in  answering  your  question  I  was  talking  particularly 
about  our  own  program  in  the  Park  Service .   But  he 
is  very  sensitive  to  the  need  to  work  with  people 
in  the  cooperative  context. 

It  was  this  initiative  between  him  and 
Secretary  of  Agriculture  Orville  Freeman  which  I 
think  laid  the  basis,  and  was  certainly  the  motivating 
factor  in  my  own  efforts  to  try  to  improve  the  climate 
of  our  working  relationship.  For  example  at  one  time 
I  understand  that  there  were  very  fine  working 
relationships  between  the  Park  Service  and  the 
Forest  Service.   This  involved  getting  the  top  level 
people  in  the  bureaus  together.  We  have  reinstituted 
this  practice.  We  have  dinner  sessions  with  the  top 


Hartzog:  management  of  the  Forest  Service;  we  have  joint 

regional  directors  meetings  with  them,  and  we  have 
also  had  a  joint  regional  directors  meeting  with  the 
Urban  Renewal  Administration,  because  of  my  belief 
that  parks  are  a  catalyst  for  the  enhancement  of 
people's  own  daily  lives  in  these  metropolitan 
areas.   The  Secretary  believes  this  very  deeply  as 
his  own  speeches  indicate;  the  President  believes 
this;  this  is  an  administration  program.  So  I 
think  the  rapport  not  only  exists  at  the  top 
between  BOR  Director  Ed  Crafts  and  Forest  Service 
Chief  Ed  Cliff  and  myself,  I  think  it  exists  at 
the  lower  echelons  of  our  organizations. 

Certainly  you  have  disappointments,  I  mean 
you  have  misunderstandings  which  arise  down  in  the 
working  levels  of  the  organization.  You  wonder  how 
they  happen,  but  they  happen.  This  is  working  with 
people  again;  that  is  really  what  it  boils  down  to. 
Fry:  You  have  all  the  support --maybe  I  should  even  use 
the  word  "pressure" — that  you  need  from  the  top, 
including  the  President,  to  bring  the  two  together 
at  this  point? 

Hartzog:  Yes,  that's  right.  And  the  Secretary  is  thoroughly 
committed  to  this,  so  this  is  no  fragmentary  effort 


Hartzog:   on  my  part.   It  is  a  concerted  departmental  effort, 
I  think.  And  I  think,  really,  it  is  a  movement  of 
government  generally  to  arrive  at  improvement  in 
management.  This  is  a  stated  objective  of  our  President 
right  now. 



Fry:  Do  you  think  that  the  parks  are  more  secure  in 

being  the  agency  for  protection  of  areas  than  they 
have  been? 

Hartzog:  Oh,  I  definitely  think  so.  I  think  that  every  day 
that  passes,  the  parks  are  more  secure  than  they 
were  the  day  before;  because  I  think  there  is  an 
increasing  awareness,  an  appreciation  on  the  part 
of  the  people  today  for  parks,  such  that  the  battles 
that  the  early  directors  of  the  Park  Service  went 
through  no  longer  face  me.  Then  it  was  a  question 
of  wanting  to,  in  effect,  raid  the  parks  of  their 
natural  resources.  This  is  not  the  question  now. 
The  big  argument  that  we  are  having  today  is, 
"Now,  how  much  of  this  are  you  going  to  let  people 
use?"  You  read  Steve  Mather's  works  for  example; 
he  was  going  around  trying  to  get  railroads  to 
advertise  parks  and  taking  tours  out  of  his  own  money 
just  to  get  people  to  go,  to  know  that  parks  existed, 
you  see.  Today  the  real  crux  of  the  fight  is  not 
people  who  want  to  take  parks  away,  but  people  who 
want  to  use  parks  more.   I  think  the  concept  of  parks 
is  more  secure  today  than  it  has  ever  been. 


Fry:  What  do  you  see  then,  as  the  major  threats  to  parks 
now?  The  population  increase,  I  guess,  is  one. 
Newton  Drury  has  mentioned  the  hydroelectric 
power  interests,  and  the  mining  interests,  and 
loggers  have  always  been  a  part  of  it.   Is  this 
changing  now? 

Hartzog:  Well,  they  always  have  been  a  part  of  it,  certainly, 
and  there  is  mining  still  authorized  in  some  few 
parks.  But  I  think  that  the  dramatic  evidence  of 
what  I  am  saying  to  you  is  the  fact  that  while  the 
Executive  Department  endorsed  the  Canyonlands 
National  Park  last  year  with  a  phase -out  of  mining, 
the  Congress  struck  it  down  completely.   So  that 
for  the  very  first  time  that  I  can  recall  offhand, 
they  just  chopped  it  right  off  at  the  pockets. 
Fry:   Congress  had  mining  stopped  immediately,  you  mean? 

Hartzog:   Absolutely.  And  this  was  done  by  the  Congress 
itself.  So  I  think  this  has  laid  to  rest  the 
person  who  wants  to  raid  a  park  for  mining.   But 
we  still  have  on  the  books ,  mining  for  some  of 
these  parks—Death  Valley,  Glacier  Bay,  and  Mount 
McKinley.  We  are  going  to  have  to  face  up  to  those, 
and  I  am  sure  that  when  we  do,  we  are  going  to  have 
a  fight.   I  mean  -  don't  misunderstand  me  -  the 
matter  of  getting  rid  of  these  adverse  uses  that 


Hartzog:  are  now  authorized  always  involves  a  fight.  There 
is  nothing  easy  about  this.   I  don't  think  it 
should  ever  get  real  easy;  if  it  does,  I  don't 
think  the  American  public  will  appreciate  their 
parks.  I  think  we  always  have  to  be  on  the  leading 
edge  of  concern,  in  order  to  really  have  a  sense 
of  appreciation.   If  you're  not  alert  to  it  and 
aware  of  it,  you  are  not  very  often  appreciative 
of  it. 

Fry:  As  Congress  is  constituted  in  this  year,  it  seems 
to  me  that  you  might  have  more  luck  in  getting 
legislation  like  this  through  now  than  at  any  other 

Hartzog:   There  is  no  question  about  it. 

Fry:   So  is  this  a  part  of  your  job  too? 

Hartzog:  That's  right,  and  I  think  that  as  we  study  the 

parks  from  the  standpoint  of  the  Wilderness  Act, 
that  these  will  be  questions  that  will  be  resolved. 
Because  you  see,  under  the  Wilderness  Act,  we  have 
to  examine  these  areas  in  the  parks  and  prepare 
reports  to  the  Secretary,  and  he,  in  turn,  reports 
to  the  President  and  the  Congress  on  areas  that 
ousht  to  be  included  in  the  Wilderness  Preservation 
System.  When  these  things  come  up,  I'm  sure  that 


Hartzog:   these  questions  of  mining  are  going  to  be  involved, 
and  they  are  going  to  be  resolved.   Either  the 
Congress  is  going  to  say  it's  all  right  to  continue, 
or  they  are  going  to  say  stop  it.   I'm  optimistic 
that  with  the  tremendous  surge  of  interest  in  parks, 
Congress  is  going  to  say,  "Stop  it,"  insofar  as 
the  parks  are  concerned .   I  think  there  is  a  real 
promise  and  hope  for  this. 
Fry:  This  brings  up  the  question  of  how  the  national 

parks  operate  in  relation  to  the  Hill  and  getting 
legislation  through.  Maybe  a  good  way  to  describe 
this,  would  be  to  take  one  example  and  tell  us 
of  your  efforts,  how  you  operate  both  in  gathering 
public  support  and  in  working  directly  with  the 
Congress.  Would  the  wilderness  bill  be  a  good 

Hartzog:  No,  I  didn't  have  too  much  experience  with  the 
Wilderness  Act.   I  think  that  it  would  probably 
be  more  relevant  for  your  purposes  to  talk  about 
a  piece  of  park  legislation.  But  I'd  like  to  talk 
just  another  moment,  if  I  may,  about  the  import  of 
of  the  question  you  asked  earlier  as  to  what  is  the 
impact  of  the  adverse  influences  so  to  speak,  that 
threatens  parks  today.  Is  it  people,  or  is  it  miners 
and  dams  ? 


Hartzog:       You  are  always  going  to  have  this  issue  of  dams, 
as  long  as  you  have  free-flowing  streams,  you  know; 
somebody  wants  to  get  hydroelectric  power  or  some 
other  thing  out  of  it.   I  think  the  Secretary  really 
put  this  in  perspective,  and  the  President  has  too, 
from  the  standpoint  that  this  really  involves  a 
challenge  of  a  balance  in  all  these  things ,  and  I 
think  the  balance  has  been  pretty  well  established 
now  that  they  are  not  going  to  have  these  things 
in  the  parks.  Now  I  am  aware  of  the  Bridge  Canyon 
decision  of  the  Secretary,  and  this  may  impinge 
on  the  Grand  Canyon  National  Park. 

But  I  think  that  one  of  the  things  that  we 
really  have  to  think  about  in  terms  of  park  manage 
ment,  is  something  which  historically  the  Park 
Service  and  the  conservationists  have  shied  away 
from,  and  that  is  this  question  of  funiculars  and 
tramways  and  railroads  and  other  modes  of  trans 
portation  for  the  movement  of  people  in  parks. 
Historically,  we  have  been  bound  to  roads  and 
trails.   If  you  want  the  visiting  public  to  go 
someplace,  you  build  a  road,  if  you  want  them  to 
drive  there;  and  if  you  want  them  to  walk  there 
you  build  a  trail.  We  find  now  in  many  places, 
that  you've  got  to  build  two  trails.   You've 


Hartzog:   got  to  build  one  for  those  that  want  to  ride  on  a 

horse  and  another  for  those  who  want  to  walk,  because 
if  you  get  too  many  horses  and  too  many  people, 
then  it  is  just  like  cows  and  people  in  picnic  areas — 
they  just  don't  go  together. 

Well,  there  are  many  places  it  seems  to  me 
that  we  have  gotten  confused  in  our  thinking  about 
what  these  mechanical  devices  really  do.  They  can 
be  used  for  entertainment  that  is  irrelevant  to 
the  purpose  of  the  park,  and  for  this  reason  we 
have  said,  "No,  we  don't  want  them."  You  know, 
there  has  been  proposal  after  proposal  for  a  tram 
way  from  the  rim  to  the  bottom  of  Grand  Canyon, 
"purely  a  thrill  ride."  But  these  also  serve  a 
very  utilitarian  purpose  of  moving  large  quantities 
of  people.  In  Europe  and  in  other  places  they  have 
done  a  marvelous  job  of  developing  the  utilitarian 
aspects  of  these  devices  and  saving  their  landscapes. 
It  seems  to  me  that  we  are  going  to  have  to  face  up 
to  this  question,  and  I  mentioned  this  at  the 
Wilderness  Conference  yesterday.   I  think  it  is  not 
too  early  that  we  do  some  thinking  about  this  tradition 
al  opposition  to  mechanical  lifts  and  funiculars  and 
railroads  in  the  National  Parks  because  I  think  that 


Hartzog:   these,  perhaps,  in  many  instances  can  be  the  greatest 
conservation  devices  that  we  have  in  national  parks. 
I  do  not  believe  that  you  are  going  to  be  able  to 
lock  the  gates  on  national  parks.  You  can  close 
the  campground  when  it  is  full,  but  just  to  tell 
the  American  public,  who  own  these  parks,  that  they 
can't  come  in  --  I  don't  think  that  this  is  something 
that  is  in  the  realm  of  possibility  at  this  time. 
Fry:  You  are  a  lawyer.  Would  locking  the  gates  be  acting 
against  the  original  Antiquities  Act,  maybe? 

Hartzog:  Oh,  yes.   I  feel  this  way  about  it,  I  don't  think 

that  we  ought  to  seriously  consider  any  such  things 
as  this. 

I  think  that  there  are  areas  which  ought  to  be 
developed,  and  there  are  areas  which  ought  not  to  be 
developed.   I  think  that  there  are  areas  which  have 
a  capacity;  and  when  that  capacity  is  reached,  then 
you  ought  not  to  have  any  greater  capacity  there, 
because  you  endanger  the  very  values  that  merit  the 
development  or  the  protection  of  this  area  in  the 
first  place.   But  this  you  can  do  through  mass 
movements  of  people  a  lot  easier,  and  a  lot  more 
effectively  and  efficiently,  it  seems  to  me,  than 
you  can  by  horseback  or  by  automobiles  or  by  roads, 


Hartzog:  which  has  been  the  historical  way  of  doing  it. 

Fry:   Because  it  is  more  highly  controlled  when  the  trans 
portation  is  handled  by  the  Park. 

Hartzog:  That's  right;  I  mean,  for  example,  you've  got  high 
mountain  chalets,  let's  assume.  You  know  what  the 
capacity  is;  you  know  what  the  trail  heads  accommodate; 
you  know  how  many  campgrounds  you've  got  up  there. 
So  if  you  have  a  tramway,  and  that  is  the  way  that 
you  get  people  up  there,  you've  got  a  funicular  and 
that  is  the  way  you  get  people  up  there;  then  when 
you  have  got  the  limit  in  the  capacity  up  there, 
you  cut  off  the  power  and  go  home,  and  that  is  all 
that  you've  got  up  there.  But  if  you  are  going  to 
build  a  road  up  there,  you  haven't  got  as  much 
control.  They  are  going  to  get  there;  and  when  they 
get  there,  they  are  going  to  spend  the  night.  We  have 
this  happen  at  place  after  place  in  the  parks.  People 
will  be  using  it  to  two  or  three  or  four  times  its 
capacity;  it's  because  they  got  there  and  they  are 
just  not  going  to  leave,  that's  all.   I've  been  out 
in  the  field,  and  I  know  what  these  boys  are  up  against. 
You  get  a  person  who  has  driven  five  or  six  hundred 
miles  to  get  there,  his  wife  is  tired,  his  children 
are  hungry,  and  you  tell  him  to  pull  out.  You  are 


Hartzog;   going  to  get  a  lot  of  conversation. 

Fry:  This  could  come  up  in  Congressional  hearings. 

Hartzog:  Yes,  it  sure  could. 

Fry:  Do  you  think  that  this  might  be  used  in  a  place 

like  Yosemite  to  move  campers  to  higher  campgrounds, 
so  that  you  can  put  your  campgrounds  in  less 
scenic  places? 

Hartzog:  Well,  I  think  this  is  something  that  we  have  to 
study  very  carefully;  this  is  the  kind  of  thing 
that  it  seems  to  me  that  we  have  to  talk  about. 
One  of  the  places  that  I  do  know,  because  I  was 
stationed  there,  is  the  Smokies.   In  several  places 
in  the  Great  Smoky  Mountains,  for  example,  there 
are  old  log  beds  where  the  railroad  trains — you 
know,  logging  trains — used  to  go  up  to  haul  their 
timber  out.  You  could  lay  down  tracks  on  those 
today  without  any  serious  damage  to  the  landscape 
and  move  quantities  of  people.  Now,  we've  got 
to  move  people  around  in  the  Great  Smoky  Mountains 
National  Park  because  the  visitation  there  has 
reached  the  point  where  you  are  going  to  have  to 
face  up  to  this  issue.  We  have  had  a  master  plan 
team  in  there,  and  they  have  been  studying  it,  and 
they  have  made  some  recommendations  that  we  have  got 


Hartzog:   to  face  up  to  how  we  are  going  to  move  people 
in  the  Great  Smokies,  because  traffic  backs  up 
seven  miles  on  that  one  road  through  the  park. 
You  just  can't  continue  to  protect  the  park  with 
that  kind  of  a  situation. 
Fry:   Apparently  the  population  from  all  the  Eastern 

seaboard  cities  funnels  into  that  park  on  that  one 
road  on  weekends. 

Hartzog:  Why  sure  it  does.  I  don't  think  that  this  is  a  lot 
different  than  what  the  President  has  been  talking 
about,  that  is,  that  he  wants  a  100-mile-per-hour 
railroad  train  between  Washington  and  Boston.   This 
is  where  you  have  got  great  concentrations  of  people, 
and  you  are  going  to  have  to  move  them. 

Highway  engineers  are  projecting  statistics 
today,  that  if  they  really  told  you  how  wide  they 
would  have  to  build  that  road  to  accommodate  the 
expected  numbers  of  automobiles,  it  would  literally 
shock  people  out  of  their  chairs.   I  mean,  there  are 
some  of  these  statistics  and  projections  which  in 
dicate  that  roads  which  we  are  building  right  now 
that  are  eight  lanes,  on  the  very  day  that  they  are 
finished  they  will  be  inadequate.  Well,  now  how  much 
wider  are  you  going  to  build  these,  and  how  many  more 


Hartzog:   of  these  are  you  going  to  build?  You  can't  build 

these  up  to  a  National  Park  and  all  the  way  around 
it,  and  then  say,  "We  are  just  going  to  have  one  road 
through  the  park."  Still  everybody  has  to  come  in 
an  automobile. 

So  this  is  why  I  think  that  all  of  us  have  to 
do  some  constructive  thinking  about  how  we  are  going 
to  cope  with  this  problem  of  taking  care  of  people 
in  a  park  because  everybody  isn't  going  to  walk  in. 
Particularly  in  an  area  the  size  of  Yellowstone,  for 
example,  two  million  acres. 

Fry:   The  parks  at  present  are  not  used  by  an  across- 
the-board  sampling  of  the  public  I  understand. 
They  are  used  by  people  usually  in  the  higher  in 
comes  and  in  the  higher  education  levels  too,  I 
think.   I  wondered  if  you  knew  of  any  change  in  the 
park-use  profile. 

Hartzog:  Well,  I  was  very  much  interested  in  the  observation 
that  was  made  at  the  Wilderness  Conference  yesterday 
on  this  point.   But  again,  I  think  that  we  get  con 
fused  about  parks  and  about  what  are  parks ,  and 
what  kind  of  areas  does  the  National  Park  Service 
manage?  The  natural  parks  of  the  West  are  largely 
used  by  people  who  can  afford  an  automobile  to  drive 
there.  And  there  are  lots  of  people  in  this  country 


Hartzog:  who  still  don't  have  automobiles  who  can  drive  there. 
If  you  are  talking  about  the  parks  we  manage  in 
metropolitan  Washington  and  Philadelphia,  they  are 
used  by  people  who  don't  have  automobiles  to  drive 
to  Yellowstone.  So  if  you  count  all  of  them  and 
compare  them  with  those  in  Yellowstone,  I  am  not 
sure  that  we  don't  have  a  pretty  well-rounded  profile 
now  of  people  using  the  parks,  you  see? 

But  this  is  how  people  look  at  the  Park  Service 
as  being  in'  the  business  of  managing  the  large  areas 
of  western  parks ,  and  then  they  overlook  the  eastern 
parks  and  particularly  the  metropolitan  parks  which 
do  get  very  heavy  use  from  a  large  and  wide  range  of 
economical  and  educational  levels.  It  is  a  different 
kind  of  use;  it  is  purely  and  simply  a  desire  to  get 
outside  and  get  on  some  green  grass  and  relax  and 
play  ball  and  that  kind  of  thing  --  as  opposed  to 
taking  a  hike  through  the  mountains . 

Fry:  Well,  another  change  that  I  was  thinking  about  in  park 
use  was  that  there  has  been  a  rise  in  the  problem  of 
vandalism,  so  that  perhaps  the  duties  of  the  ranger 
on  the  ground  are  changing  somewhat.*  Do  you  find 
that  this  is  true? 

*c-f.   New  York  Times ,  William  M.  IJiair  series  on  national 
parks;   Rise  in  crime  and  park  ranger's  policing 
task,  March  26,  1964,  p.  24,  col.  3. 


Hartzog:  Yes,  I  think  that  this  is  true.   I  think  that  our 

rangers  are  facing  more  and  more  the  responsibilities 
of  a  law  enforcement  officer.  And  for  the  first  time, 
this  summer  we  are  going  to  employ  seasonally  some 
actual  policemen.  Of  course  all  of  our  rangers  in 
uniform  are  policemen,  and  they  have  law  enforcement 
authority.   I  mean  people  who  are  trained  in  police 
work--to  put  in  some  of  the  larger  parks. 

An  interesting  thing  happens,  I  think,  when  we 
think  of  Yosemite,  for  example,  as  a  great  wilderness 
park,  which  it  is,  but  Yosemite  Valley  is  a  great 
metropolitan  area  in  the  summertime.   So  you  have  got 
all  of  the  problems  that  you  have  in  a  metropolitan 
environment  anywhere  else  in  the  United  States  in 
Yosemite  Valley  in  the  summertime.   This  then 
involves  someone  who  understands  and  knows  the 
profession  of  police.  We  don't  train  our  rangers 
in  this  kind  of  depth  in  law  enforcement,  So  we 
are  going  to  get  professionally  trained  police  officers 
in  some  of  these  situations. 



Fry:  You  mentioned  that  you  have  your  planning  staff  working 
on  the  Great  Smoky  Mountains  problem,  and  I  wanted  to 
ask  you  if  there  has  been  any  difference  in  your  re 
search  arm  since  you  took  over?* 

Hartzog:  Yes,  we  are  reorganized.  Well,  following  the  Yosemite 
Conference  of  1963  Connie  Wirth  was  still  there,  but 
we  were  reorganizing  it  on  the  basis  of  the  plan  that 
had  been  agreed  to.  The  research  activity  was  pulled 
out  of  the  operating  divisions  of  history,  natural 
history,  and  ranger  activities,  and  it  was  centered 
in  an  assistant  director  for  resource  studies. 

It  has  not  gotten  off  to  as  good  a  start  as  I 
had  hoped  it  would.  There  have  been  some  organizational 
problems.  But  I  think  this  is  the  preferable  solution 
to  handling  research.  This  does  not  mean  that  we're 
not  going  to  have  some  of  our  operating  people  doing 
research,  but  if  they  do  it,  from  now  on  they  are  going 
to  do  it  under  a  coordinated,  organized  plan  of  re 
search  where  you  know  you  are  getting  your  money's 
worth.  You  get  a  report,  you  get  some  recommendations, 

*cf.  New  York  Times,  re:   charges  by  National 
Academy  of  Sciences  that  the  National  Park  Service  has 
not  developed  a  research  program  to  meet  its  operational 
needs,  October  19,  1963,  p.  6. 


Hartzog:  and  you  can  apply  it  to  a  problem.  Furthermore,  we  are 
going  to  have  the  problems  identified  as  to  which  we  are 
going  to  select  for  research,  rather  than  just  letting  some 
person  research  because  he  likes  to  do  it. 
Fry:  You'll  arrive  at  this  from  a  definition  of  problems? 

Hartzog:   Right. 

Fry:  What  about  reorganization  of  the  whole  service? 

Hartzog:  Well,  there  were  several  things  that  we  tried  to  do  in  the 

reorganization,  and  it  is  still  under-going  adjustment.  This 
was  one  of  them,  getting  this  research  out.   Secondly,  was  to 
strengthen  the  whole  interpretive  program.   I  think  our  inter 
pretation  had  slipped  in  many  places;  we  had  kind  of  gotten 
stereotyped  in  our  presentation  of  visuals  and  this  kind  of 
thing.   So  we  have  reoriented  and  reorganized  our  interpre 
tative  staff  at  the  Washington  level,  including  our  museum 

Fry:   I  wanted  to  ask  you  if  in  your  reorganization  you  have  a 
special  department  to  look  at  this  problem  of  parks  and 
recreation  in  urban  environments. 

Hartzog:  No,  we  don't,  and  this  is  one  thing  that  we  have  been  talk 
ing  about  very  seriously,  as  to  whether  or  not  we  shouldn't 
have  some  strong  executive  leadership  at  the  Washington 
level  for  our  urban  park  program.   So  far  we  have  felt  that 
so  much  has  been  done  in  the  last  year  and  a  half,  that  maybe 
we  ought  to  let  the  organization  set  awhile,  you  know.   It's 


Hartzog:  getting  to  be  a  big  outfit,  and  communications  are  getting 
difficult  because  from  the  time  you  make  a  decision  and  the 
people  start  hearing  about  it,  until  they  are  finally  able 
to  read  about  it,  is  a  long  lag  in  a  big  organization.  The 
result  is,  you  are  always  confronted  with  rumors,  and  these 
are  disquieting  things  to  the  morale  of  an  organization.   So 
we  have  decided  that  we  are  just  going  to  leave  this  one  alone 
for  awhile.   But  this  is  something  that  we've  got  to  face  up 
to, in  my  judgment,  and  strengthen  very  definitely. 



Hartzog:  The  other  thing  is  that  the  Secretary's  Advisory  Board  on 

Wildlife  Management,*  which  was  chaired  by  Starker  Leopold, 
made  some  very  keen  insights  into  the  wildlife  management 
problems  of  the  Service;  and  then  over  and  above  this,  made 
some  suggestions  with  respect  to  the  broader  aspects  of 
management,  pointing  out,  for  example,  that  many  of  the  prob 
lems  that  we  have  in  a  park  cannot  be  solved  in  the  park.   In 
other  words,  parks  are  not  in  a  vacuum.   Everything  that 
happens  outside  affects  what  happens  inside,  and  what  happens 
inside  has  a  relationship  to  what  goes  on  outside.   So  we 
have  reorganized  the  resources  management  program  of  the  Park 
Service  to  try  to  recognize  this  and  develop  some  real  manage 
ment  programs  for  resources  that  are  in  the  system. 

This  involves  also  a  recognition  of  the  fact  that  all 
areas  in  the  park  system  are  not  alike.  Historically,  we 
have  just  had  one  set  of  policies  for  everything,  whether 
it  was  a  park  or  recreation  area  or  historical  area.   I  think 
one  of  the  classic  examples  is  a  policy  which  said  that  in 
the  National  Parks  there  will  be  no  grazing,  and  yet  in  his 
torical  areas,  we  encourage  pasturage. 

This  kind  of  dichotomy  left  a  lot  of  confusion  about 

*cf.  New  York  Times,  re:   Secretary  Udall  presenting 
award  to  National  Park  Advisory  Board  on  Wildlife  Management 
for  its  study  of  controversial  wildlife  policies,  April  16, 
1964,  p.  61,  col.  4. 


Hartzog:  just  where  we  were  and  what  our  policies  were.  When  you 

review  the  legislative  history  of  the  National  Park  System, 
it  is  very  clear — and  the  Secretary  recognized  this  in  his 
memorandum  of  July  10,  1964  on  the  management  of  the  National 
Park  System — that  the  Congress  has  very  clearly  placed  in  this 
system  three  kinds  of  areas:   there  are  natural  areas,  which 
are  preserves  for  the  natural  values  that  are  there,  scenic, 
scientific,  whatever;  and  there  are  historical  areas,  areas 
which  are  devoted  primarily  to  the  preservation  of  some 
great  moment  or  event  of  history;  and  then  there  are  areas 
which  are  set  aside  for  recreation,  for  pursuits  of  the 
people — this  is  what  it  says  they  are  for.   These  things 
require  that  they  be  managed  differently,  if  you  are  going 
to  protect  the  resources  that  are  there  and  if  you  are 
really  going  to  do  a  creative  management  job.  This  is  what 
we  are  now  trying  to  do  in  our  resources  management .  We 
have  a  revised  statement  of  policies  now  for  each  of  these 
catagories,  which  is  undergoing  review.  We  are  revising 
the  regulations,  and  we  are  going  to  have  three  sets  of 
regulations  for  each  of  these  catagories  or  areas. 
Fry:   Can  you  define  what  change  has  taken  place  in  wildlife 

Hartzog:   Yes.   I'm  very  happy  you  brought  me  back  to  that,  because 
there  is  some  very  significant  thinking  here.   In  the  con 
text  of  the  natural  areas,  it  is  the  clear  intent  of  the 


Hartzog:  Congress  that  the  wildlife  should  be  protected  as  much  as 
the  trees  or  the  vegetation  that's  there.   Therefore,  it's 
not  available  for  public  sport  hunting.  Such  control  of 
wildlife  population  as  is  necessary  we  are  working  out 
through  special  hunting  seasons  with  the  states  outside 
park  boundaries;  and  where  this  doesn't  work,  we  allow 
trapping  inside  the  parks;  and  shipping;  and  where  this 
doesn't  work,  we  have  direct  reduction  by  ranger  personnel. 
But  these  are  not  the  same  guide  lines  that  need  to  be 
followed  in  recreation  areas,  where  hunting  is  a  completely 
compatible  recreational  pursuit.  Public  hunting  is  recrea 
tion.   It's  recreation  to  those  who  engage  in  it.   It  may 
not  be  for  you  or  me,  or  somebody  else  who  may  be  a  non- 
hunter;  but  for  a  hunter,  hunting  is  recreation.  And 
recreation  is  what  the  area  was  set  aside  for,  and  there 
fore  that's  one  of  the  activities  that  we  are  going  to  permit 
as  compatible  with  all  the  others,  you  see. 

We  are  also  working  with  the  states  in  the  context  that 
the  state  will  establish  the  bag  limits  and  the  seasons  and 
cooperate  with  us  in  the  encouragement  of  habitat  and  so 
forth  to  propagate  the  species. 

Fry:  Now  it  is  not  clear  to  me  whether  you  are  talking  about  the 
new  national  recreation  areas. 

Hartzog:   Right,  the  national  recreation  areas.   These  are  the  lake 
shores,  the  riverways,  the  reservoir  areas.  .  .  . 


Fry:   Not  the  Yosemite  Valley.   [laughter] 

Hartzog:  Not  Yosemite  Valley;  that  is  a  natural  area.  One  thing 

that  is  going  to  clear  up  a  lot  of  things  for  a  lot  of  people, 
is  that  we  are  getting  a  publication  out  now  in  which  all  of 
the  areas  of  the  system  are  going  to  be  rearranged  in  the 
three  categories.  The  policies  are  going  to  be  rearranged 
in  three  categories;  the  regulations  are  going  to  be  rear 
ranged.   So  that  when  you  say,  "What  is  your  policy?"  we  are 
going  to  have  to  ask  you,  "Our  policy  for  what?"  you  see. 
It  is  just  not  going  to  be,  "This  is  our  policy,  and  we  have 
three  or  four  exceptions  to  it  down  here  because  these  are 
different  kinds  of  areas."  There  is  going  to  be  our  policy 
for  natural  areas,  and  our  policy  for  historical  areas,  and 
our  policy  for  recreational  areas. 

Fry:  Who  else  will  be  administering  recreation  areas?   [laughter] 
I've  heard  horrendous  references  to  as  many  as  twenty  govern 
ment  agencies . 

Hartzog:  Well,  I've  heard  this;  I've  never  counted  them.   I  don't 

really  know  precisely,  but  I  know  there  are  a  great  many  of 
them.  The  Corps  of  Engineers  manages  recreation  areas;  the 
Forest  Service  manages  them;  the  Fish  and  Wildlife  Service 
manages  them;  the  Park  Service  manages  them.  So  far,  we  are 
managing  the  recreation  for  the  Bureau  of  Reclamation  on  their 
projects.   We  are  working  with  the  Bureau  of  Land  Management 
now  on  trying  to  develop  a  program  of  cooperation  by  which 


Hartzog:  we  will  manage  the  recreation  on  the  public  domain  lands 

which  they  manage.  They  in  turn,  will  assist  us  in  various 
aspects  of  our  program,  such  as  forestry  and  game  management 
in  which  they  are  proficient.  This  is  still  evolving.   It 
hasn't  evolved  yet. 

Fry:  Are  you  able  to  comment  on  any  difference  in  acquisition 

Hartzog:  The  acquisition  policy  is  different  too.   In  national  re 
creation  areas,  we  have  recognized  that  it  is  an  accepted 
practice  that  you  do  not  have  to  own  all  the  land  in  an  area 
in  order  to  provide  optimum  recreation,  providing  that  the 
private  land  that  is  left  there  is  utilized  compatibly  with 
the  recreation  objectives  of  the  area.  This  is  to  say  that 
it  is  perfectly  all  right  for  a  person  to  have  a  summer  home 
in  a  recreation  area  and  own  it,  so  long  as  he  keeps  it  a 
summer  home.  But  we  don't  want  it  turned  into  a  honky  tonk, 
you  see.   So  that,  where  the  local  municipality  or  county 
will  zone  the  land  compatible  with  the  recreation  objectives, 
our  policy  in  recreation  areas  is  that  we  don't  have  to  own 
all  the  land  in  fee.  We  will  buy  scenic  easements;  we  will 
accept  zoning.   For  those  lands  which  we  have  to  develop,  of 
course,  legally  we  have  to  own  the  fee,  so  we  have  to  ac 
quire  the  fee. 


Our  objective  in  national  parks — that  is,  national 
parks  now — still  remains  trying  to  acquire  all  of  the  land 


Hartzog:   in  the  park,  because  this  is  for  the  preservation  of  an 

ecological  environment.   When  you  have  unplanned  interference 
with  this  ecological  environment,  you  jeopardize  the  main 
tenance  of  the  environment  throughout  the  whole  area.   There 
fore,  we  have  not  changed  the  policy  with  respect  to  trying 
to  acquire  all  the  in-holdings  in  the  national  parks.   In 
the  historical  areas,  we  are  now  evaluating  this  policy,  and 
I  think  that  we  are  going  to  propose  to  the  Secretary  a 
change  in  the  policy  in  the  historical  areas,  to  the  end  that 
we  are  not  going  to  have  to  buy  all  the  land  in  historical 
areas,  on  the  same  premises  that  I  outlined  for  recreation 

Fry:   I  guess  there  has  been  more  acceptance,  too,  of  private 
preservation  agencies  sometimes  handling  part  of  your 
historical  monuments. 

Hartzog:   Well,  this  has  always  been  a  part  of  the  program.   We 

haven't  done  too  much  in  pushing  it,  but  the  Historic  Sites 
Act  of  1935  has  always  authorized  the  Secretary  to  cooperate 
with  private  and  quasi-public  organizations  in  historic 
Fry:   Has  there  been  much  change  in  the  responsibility  delegated 

to  the  field  as  opposed  to  that  held  in  the  Washington  office? 

Hartzog:   That  is  another  thing  we  tried  to  do:   clarify  our  own  think 
ing  about  the  kind  of  organization  we  have.   We  have  a  field 
superintendent;  we  have  a  regional  office,  and  we  have  a 


Hartzog:  Washington  office.  Frequently,  we  get  mixed  up  as  to  where 
policy  is  made  and  what  procedures  are  applied,  and  a  matter 
goes  all  the  way  from  the  field  to  Washington  that  could  have 
just  as  easily  been  answered  in  the  field,  if  Washington  had 
established  a  policy  to  guide  the  field.   So  we  have  tried 
to  clarify  the  roles  of  these  three  echelons  of  management. 
In  doing  so,  we  say  that  the  Washington  office  is  the 
policy-making  arm  of  the  Service,  which  it  is.   It's  respon 
sible  for  procedures,  responsible  for  leadership  and  pro 
gramming  and  budgeting,  which  get  to  the  essence  of  how 
this  program  is  going  to  operate;  it's  responsible  for 
legislation  and  for  the  relationships  with  the  Department 
and  its  other  bureaus  at  a  policy  level  in  Washington. 

The  regional  office  is  the  core  of  our  management, 
and  it  is  the  regional  director  and  his  staff  to  whom  we 
look  for  improvement  in  the  quality  of  management  and  the 
quality  of  improvement  of  public  service  to  the  visitors 
who  come  to  these  areas. 

Fry:   Is  this  an  increase  in  the  delegation  of  duties  to  the 
regional  office? 

Hartzog:  Not  actually.  They  had  the  duties;  it's  a  clarification 
of  them,  this  is  really  what  it  boils  down  to.  They  have 
always  had  this  responsibility.  This  is  what  they're 
supposed  to  have  been  doing,  but  there  has  been  confusion 
about  whether  they  have  been  doing  it  or  not. 


Fry:  Before  this,  then,  there  was  more  centralization  than  was 


Hartzog:  I  think  so.  The  superintendent  on  the  grounds  is  responsible 
for  running  the  program.  We  want  to  give  him  as  much  flexi 
bility  as  we  can,  so  that  he  can  be  as  creative  as  possible, 
rather  than  putting  him  in  a  straight  jacket,  though  we  have 
to  establish  some  broad  guide  lines  out  here,  so  that  he 
knows  when  he  is  getting  out  of  the  ball  park.  And  as  long 
as  he  stays  in  the  ball  park,  then  we  can  recognize  the 
individual  ability  of  a  person  to  improve  in  the  quality 
of  his  performance  through  his  own  creativity  and  that  of 
his  staff.  This  makes  for  a  harder  job  and  it  makes  for  a 
greater  challenge  for  the  person,  because  nobody  is  holding 
his  hand  and  telling  him  every  day  what  he  has  to  do.   It 
is  giving  him  an  opportunity  to  use  his  head.   I  think  that 
it  is  going  to  work;  we  are  encouraged  by  the  response  that 
we  have  had  so  far.  Now  we  have  a  study  underway  in  the 
regional  offices  to  determine  what  kind  of  regional  organi 
zation  we  should  have  in  the  Park  Service.  This  study  has 
not  been  finished  yet. 

Fry:   I  was  talking  about  this  with  Mr.  Charles  Stoddard,  head 

of  the  Bureau  of  Land  Management  yesterday,  and  he  said  that 
they  were  reorganizing  with  more  emphasis  on  program;  he 
thought  this  was  rather  typical  of  a  lot  of  reorganization 
going  on  these  days.   Would  you  say  that  some  of  your 


Fry:  reorganization  also  puts  more  emphasis  on  programs  up  and 

down  the  administrative  line  so  that  the  horizontal  echelon 
becomes  a  little  less  important?  Is  that  accurate? 
Hartzog:  Yes.  Right. 




Fry:  Well,  now  I  would  like  to  take  you  back  to  what  we  started 
to  talk  about  in  relation  to  Congress. 

Hartzog:   O.K.  Well,  normally  what  happens  is  that  we  have  a  National 
Park  System  planning  organization,  whose  job  is  to  think 
about  what  the  National  Park  System  should  be  in  the  future. 
Fry:  This  is  within  your  office? 

Hartzog:  This  is  within  our  office  and  in  the  regional  offices.  They 
go  out  now  and  take  a  look  at  "X"  area,  and  their  preliminary 
reconnaisance  indicates  that  it  is  of  park  quality  and  worthy 
of  acquisition.  So  they  put  it  on  a  study  list.  This 
study  list  comes  to  me,  and  if  I  agree  I  approve  it.  This 
constitutes  a  study  project.  They  then  go  out  and  make  what 
we  call  a  professional  study  report. 

Now  heretofore  it  has  been  our  practice  that  when  this 
professional  study  report  was  made,  it  went  to  the  Secretary's 
Advisory  Board  on  National  Parks,  Historic  Sites  and  Buildings. 
If  they  agreed  with  it,  it  went  to  the  Secretary  with  a  recom 
mendation.  He  issued  that  as  a  departmental  report,  and  that 
became  the  report,  you  see. 

We've  changed  that;  we  now  issue  that  professional 
study  report  as  a  professional  study  report.  We  analyze  the 
resource,  what  its  potentialities  are,  what  the  alternatives 


Hartzog:  might  be  for  its  preservation.  Then  we  make  that  public 

and  invite  the  public  to  comment  on  it.   If  the  interest  is 
sufficient,  we  go  into  the  community  and  meet  with  the 
people  and  talk  with  them  about  it. 

On  the  basis  of  all  these  comments,  we  then  prepare  a 
final  report,  which  goes  to  the  Advisory  Board,  and  from  the 
Advisory  Board,  with  its  recommendation,  to  the  Secretary. 
If  he  agrees,  he  approves  it.  This  then  becomes  the  final 
study  report. 

Usually  at  this  point,  or  maybe  a  little  before — depend 
ing  on  how  much  public  acceptance  there  may  be  for  it — a  bill 
or  several  bills  are  introduced  into  Congress.   If  you've 
got  an  area  with  wide  public  acceptance,  you  are  just  that 
much  ahead,  because  then  the  local  Congressman  and  the  local 
delegation  are  usually  pushing  it. 

If  you  have  a  bill  for  which  there  is  a  lot  of  local 
opposition,  then  the  people  who  are  interested  have  to  take 
the  burden  of  trying  to  work  out  these  problems  with  the 
local  people  to  the  point  where  you  do  get  the  local  Con 
gressman  interested.   Seldom,  if  ever,  do  you  succeed  in  any 
legislation  which  the  local  Congressman  opposes.   If  he  is 
opposed,  you  are  not  going  very  far  with  a  piece  of  legis 
lation  as  a  general  rule.   So  the  beginning  of  the  legislative 
process  is  to  try  to  get  the  local  Congressman  a  proposition 
which  he  can  support.   And  also  your  two  Senators — if  your 


Hartzog:   two  Senators  are  opposed,  conversely,  you  are  not  going 

Of  course,  you  can  understand — and  this  is  inherent 
in  our  system  of  government,  it  was  intended  to  be  this 
way — the  local  Congressman  has  a  smaller  constituency  than 
the  two  Senators,  so  that  people  from  all  over  the  state 
are  writing  to  the  Senators.  You  may  have  intense  opposition 
in  a  little  pocket  down  here  in  this  district,  but  in  their 
total  picture,  it  may  not  be  too  meaningful.  However,  to  the 
Congressman  it  may  be  quite  sensitive,  and  therefore  you 
sometimes  have  a  bill  move  for  you  in  the  Senate  when  it 
doesn't  move  for  you  in  the  House  because  you  still  have  a 
local  problem  in  this  district  that  you  have  to  work  out. 

We  find  that  it  is  very  helpful  if  the  people  who  are 
interested  in  the  proposal  form  a  local  organization  and  use 
this  as  a  forum  for  providing  information  and  working  with 
the  people  informing  them  of  what  is  in  it.  Now  a  great 
deal  has  been  accomplished,  1  think,  in  this  change  of 
procedure  alone. 

This  grew  out  of  my  own  experience  when  I  was  in 
Missouri,  because  when  I  was  there — in  addition  to  my  job 
in  St.  Louis — I  was  the  coordinator  for  all  Park  Service 
activities  in  the  state  of  Missouri.  One  of  my  jobs  was 
the  proposed  Ozark  National  Scenic  Riverways,  and  we  had 
issued  a  report  which  said,  "This  is  going  to  be  it,  and 
it  is  going  to  be  a  National  Monument."  Well,  we  ran 


Hartzog:   into  a  real  storm  of  opposition.   It  took  a  couple  of  years 
to  get  this  thing  smoothed  out,  cleared  away,  and  the  local 
Congressman  really  interested.  One  of  the  Congressmen  we 
never  did  persuade,  and  therefore,  when  the  area  was  finally 
established,  we  had  to  leave  out  the  counties  that  were  in 
his  district  in  order  to  get  it  established. 

1  was  convinced  from  that  experience  that  many  people 
could  have  been  persuaded  to  have  gone  along  with  this  pro 
posal,  had  they  understood  what  it  was  about  in  the  first 
place  and  had  had  an  opportunity  to  participate  in  the 
making  of  the  proposal.   So  this  is  why  we  have  changed  this 
procedure  with  the  approval  of  the  Secretary  to  issue  a 
preliminary  report,  and  it  is  working  very  well. 
Fry:  Quite  frankly,  there  is  one  resource  agency  that  has 

developed  a  very  complicated  and  effective  system,  through 
its  regional  offices,  of  developing  a  great  deal  of  public 
support  when  it  needs  it  for  a  measure  going  through  Con 
gress.   Is  this  what  the  parks  can  do  under  the  new  system? 

Hartzog:  Well,  one  of  the  advantages,  I  think,  of  this  preliminary 
report  is  that  before  a  hard  position  is  taken  by  the  op 
position,  as  well  as  by  the  proponents,  they  have  an  oppor 
tunity  to  sit  down  and  explore  what  the  values  are  and  what 
the  alternatives  are  for  dealing  with  it. 


Redwood  Park  Example 

Hartzog:   I  think  that  the  redwoods,  for  example,  are  a  perfect 

illustration  of  what  1  am  talking  about.  This  was  the  first 
professional  report  that  we  issued  on  this  basis,  and  when 
we  issued  it,  as  you  know,  there  was  an  immediate  storm  of 
reaction.  There  were  an  awful  lot  of  people,  including  some 
of  the  major  groups,  who  said  no  national  park  was  needed. 
Fry:  You  mean  the  major  lumber  groups? 

Hartzog:  Yes.  And,  well,  not  only  that,  but  some  of  the  Chambers 

of  Commerce  and  others  were  against  it. 

Fry:  You  had  the  Save  the  Redwoods  League  as  an  example  of  one 
of  these  local  groups  to  work  through,  in  the  community? 

Hartzog:  No,  there  was  no  local  group  up  there  in  that  country  at 
that  particular  time  that  I  was  aware  of.  The  Redwoods 
League  had  somebody  up  there,  but  he  was  an  individual  and 
not  a  group. 

I  think  the  Sierra  Club  had  some  people  up  there  or  an 
individual  up  there;  at  least,  that  is  what  I  have  heard. 
I  don't  know  it  for  a  fact.  But,  so  far  as  I  know,  there 
was  no  park  support  organization  up  there.   In  addition  to 
which,  as  I  understand,  there  were  several  of  the  Chambers 
of  Commerce  who  were  opposed  to  a  national  park. 

The  point  is  that  there  was  no  consensus  that  there 
was  a  need  for  a  national  park  when  that  report  came  out. 
Now,  we  gave  them  I  think  ninety  days  to  make  comments, 


Hartzog:  and  that  time  has  long  since  expired.  But  in  the  meantime, 
we  have  been  continuing  to  receive  comments  and  evaluate 
them.   So  far  as  I  know  now,  the  industry  has  finally  said 
a  national  park  is  a  desirable  thing.  The  American  Forestry 
Association  has  said  a  national  park  is  a  desirable  thing. 
Every  responsible  organization  that  I  am  aware  of — maybe  I've 
left  out  some  that  I  don't  know  about — but  all  of  them  that 
I  know  of  that  reacted  violently  contrary  to  it  at  the  outset 
have  now  accepted  the  fact  that  a  national  park  is  a  desirable 
thing.   So  this  is  what  I  am  talking  about  as  the  benefit  of 
this  professional  report  being  out,  and  giving  the  people 
an  opportunity  to  talk  about  it,  and  to  contribute  to  the 
thought  process  in  making  a  final  report. 

Now,  I  will  admit  that  there  are  an  awful  lot  of  dif 
ferences  over  the  details  of  what  this  national  park  ought 
to  be,  but  the  interesting  thing  is  that  the  central  issue 
is  whether  there  should  be  a  national  park,  and  on  this  now, 
as  far  as  I  know,  now  there  is  unanimity.  Now  you  can  pro 
ceed  to  fill  out  the  details,  and  I  am  sure  that  you  are 
going  to  fight  over  the  details.  You  are  never  going  to  have 
anything  that  goes  through  with  everybody  in  support  of  it. 
I  don't  believe  that  you  can  achieve  this,  but  I  do  think 
that  this  professional  report  has  achieved  remarkable  success, 
that  is,  that  all  of  the  organizations  are  now  in  agreement 
that  there  should  be  a  national  park. 


Committees  and  Congressmen 

Fry:  Yes. 

In  your  work  with  Congress,  do  you  work  primarily 
just  with  the  House  Interior  and  Insular  Committee,  and  the 
Senate  Interior  and  Insular  Committee  and  subcommittees? 

Hartzog:  Right.  And  then  of  course,  two  appropriation  committees  for 
the  implementation  of  the  program.  This  involves  briefing, 
of  course,  talking  with  the  local  delegations.   It  involves 
visiting  with  the  members  of  the  subcommittee;  it  involves 
testifying  and  having  your  maps  there. 

I  think  the  central  thing  that  I  learned — and  believe 
me,  I  am  still  a  novice  in  this  business  of  legislative 
process — is  the  fact  that  if  you  do  your  homework,  when 
you  get  to  the  hearing  you're  usually  in  pretty  good  shape. 
If  you  haven't  done  your  homework,  you  are  oftentimes  in 
Fry:  How  do  you  have  your  staff  organized  for  this? 

Hartzog:  Well,  this  is  one  of  the  activities  that  we  have  totally 

reorganized  in  the  Park  Service,  our  legislative  organization. 
So  today  when  a  legislative  proposal  goes  to  the  Hill,  and  we 
go  up  to  testify,  we  generally  have  the  homework  done.  We 
have  the  professional  man  who  made  the  study;  we  have  the  land 
man  who  set  the  values,  and  either  I  am  there,  or  I  have  an 
assistant  director  who  is  there,  who  can  resolve  and  answer 
the  policy  questions  that  are  involved  on  it. 


Fry:  Would  you  like  to  mention  now  some  of  the  main  Congressmen 

who  are  receptive  in  helping  park  legislation? 

Hartzog:  Well,  I  think  we  have  a  wide  range  of  Congressmen  and  Sena 
tors  who  are  interested  and  effective  in  park  legislation. 
I  don't  think  it  was  any — I  think  that  it  was  an  absolute  fact 
when  the  President  remarked  that  the  88th  Congress  would  go 
down  in  history  as  the  "conservation  Congress."  As  we  talked 
about  it  earlier,  the  question  of  parks  has  become  highly 
popular.   I  was  very  much  amused  yesterday  at  the  Wilderness 
Conference  of  the  Sierra  Club — I  don't  know  whether  you  heard 
it  or  not — when  one  of  these  speakers  said  that  he  thought 
that  the  pork  barrel  was  going  to  become  now  the  park  barrel. 
That  is,  everybody  wants  a  park  in  his  district.   I  think  that 
this  has  a  lot  more  truth  to  it  than  we  are  really  aware  of  at 
the  moment,  because  there  is  a  tremendous  amount  of  support 
for  parks  in  the  Congress. 

Of  course,  the  people  who  are  most  directly  involved  are 
the  Congressmen  and  the  two  Senators  who  have  a  particular 
park  under  consideration  at  the  moment,  and  then  also  your 
subcommittee.  And  our  subcommittee  is  chaired  by  Ralph  Rivers 
of  Alaska,  and  the  ranking  majority  member  on  it  is  Wayne 
Aspinall,  ex-officio  member  of  the  subcommittee  and  the  chair 
man  of  the  full  committee.   The  ranking  minority  member  is 
John  Saylor  of  Pennsylvania.  You  can  just  go  right  down  the 
aisle  on  both  sides,  Republicans  and  Democrats,  and  every  one 


Hartzog:   of  them  are  for  parks. 
Fry:   They  are. 

Hartzog:   Yes,  they  really  are.   I  don't  know  any  of  them  that  you 

can't  say  is  a  real  friend  of  the  parks  on  that  subcommittee. 

Now  in  our  subcommittee  in  the  Senate,  the  chairman  is 
Senator  A.  H.  Bible.   The  chairman  of  the  full  committee  is 
Senator  H.  M.  Jackson.   We  have  tremendous  support  out  of 
this  committee.  There  are  times  of  course,  when  Senator 
M.  L.  Simpson  raises  some  questions  about  some  of  our  poli 
cies.   Senator  B.  E.  Jordan  of  Idaho  has  raised  some  ques 
tions  about  some  of  them.   I  think  the  questions  that  they 


have  raised  have  considerable  merit,  and  I  think  that  we 
have  met  some  of  the  questions  that  have  been  in  their  minds. 
I  know  that  Senator  Simpson  has  had  a  long  history  of  op 
position  to  the  program  in  the  Grand  Teton  National  Park  and 
to  some  of  the  practices  and  policies  in  Yellowstone  Na 
tional  Park.   But  I  have  found  him  to  be  extremely  helpful 
in  our  park  program,  extremely  helpful.   And  deeply  inter 
ested.   I  have  indeed,  and  he  has  taken  some  very  strong 
positions  on  some  of  our  areas,  particularly  in  the  East, 
in  pushing  and  supporting  them. 

Fry:   Are  you  saying  that  this  is  a  change  in  him? 
Hartzog:   I  don't  know  whether  it  is  a  change  in  him,  because  I 

never  knew  him  before;  I  am  just  telling  you  what  the  facts 
are  as  I  find  them.   As  a  matter  of  fact,  the  Great  Falls 


Hartzog:  area  there  in  Washington  is  an  area  in  which  any  number  of 
times  he  has  told  me  he  is  deeply  interested  in.   I  think 
that  he  is  becoming  convinced,  as  are  a  great  many  people, 
of  the  tremendous  need  for  parks  in  the  East.   I  think  this 
is  really  about  where  you  may  find  the  cleavage.  The  only 
experience  that  I  had  with  him  that  was  different  than  this 
was  involving  the  hearing  on  the  Oregon  Dunes.   You  see,  this 
is  a  Western  area,  and  he  was  a  little  bit  sharp  in  his  com 
ments  about  us  there,  so  this  could  be  maybe  an  explanation 
for  it.   1  don't  know  what  the  explanation  is,  but  this  is 
the  way  we  find  him. 
Fry:  Tell  us  about  Senator  Clinton  Anderson  of  New  Mexico. 

Hartzog:  Well,  he  is  the  great  statesman,  and  the  great  stalwart  of 
all  of  this  conservation,  a  great  man  in  the  Congress  on 
our  committee.   Sure,  you  can't  overlook  him.  This  is  the 
hazard  of  naming  names  in  any  of  this  business.   You  can't 
name  them  all,  and  you  overlook  somebody  and  then  the  ques 
tion  arises,  "Well,  why  did  you  overlook  him?"  Well,  you 
overlooked  him  because  you  forgot  him  at  the  moment.  "But 
Senator  H.  M.  Jackson,  Senator  C.  P.  Anderson,  Lee  Metcalf, 
Senator  F.  F.  Church,  Ted  Moss  of  Utah,  you  name  any  of 
them,  they  are  there. 
Fry:  Am  I  keeping  you  past  your  deadline?   It's  twenty  'til  five. 

Hartzog:   No. 



Fry:   I  want  to  ask  you  about  the  financial  picture  of  the  parks. 
You  have  just  started  the  automobile  admissions  sticker  for 
the  Land  and  Water  Fund.*  Perhaps  you  can  start  right  at  the 
beginning  of  your  career  in  Washington  and  bring  us  up  to  date 
on  appropriations. 

Hartzog:  Well,  I  think  parks  are,  of  course,  better  financed  now  than 
they  have  ever  been.   I  think  this,  that  a  great  deal  of  the 
credit  for  this  is  due  to  Connie  Wirth  and  the  Mission  66 
Program,  the  long  range  plan  of  the  National  Parks  in  which 
he  dramatized  the  lack  of  maintenance  and  so  forth.   But  I 
think  with  the  tremendous  increase  in  visitation  too,  that 
we  are  faced  with  the  continuing  problem  that  you  are  always 
going  to  have,  the  gap  between  what  would  be  ideally  avail 
able  and  what  we  have.   For  instance,  right  here  in  Muir 
Woods  this  trail  ought  to  be  paved  all  the  way  down,  parti 
cularly  through  those  wet  soggy  portions  as  we  were  walking 
down  there,  you  see?   I  can  imagine  that,  they  are  wet  and 
soggy  right  now  and  that  they're  a  dust  pile  in  the  summer 
time.   So  you  are  always  going  to  have  that  gap. 

On  the  other  hand,  I  think  that  the  land  acquisition 
facet  of  our  program  is  now  in  much  better  shape,  with  the 

*cf.  New  York  Times ,  re:  Senate  passage  of  $2  billion, 
10-year  Land  and  Water  Conservation  Fund,  September  4,  1964, 
p.  31,  col.  1.  Also  re:  Presidential  order  expected  to  set 
fees,  auto  stickers,  January  24,  1965,  p.  64,  col.  1. 


Hartzog:   Land  and  Water  Conservation  Fund,  than  it  has  ever  been. 

This  has  been  the  hardest  money  that  we  have  ever  tried  to 
get  from  the  Congress:   funds  for  land  acquisition.   Now  with 
the  Land  and  Water  Conservation  Fund  there  is  a  regular  sys- 
temized  funding  for  the  purchase  of  land,  and  the  Congress  at 
its  will  can  appropriate  from  it.   So  I  think  our  land  ac 
quisition  picture  looks  much  better  than  it  has  in  years. 

I  think  that  our  physical  development  program  is  still 
going  to  be  in  good  shape.   I  don't  think  it's  ever  going  to 
reach  the  Utopian  state  that  I'd  like  to  see  it,  in  order  to 
provide  everything  that  I  would  like  to  have  when  I  want  it. 
But  I  am  encouraged  by  what's  happening.   Our  budget  that  was 
passed  by  the  House  this  year  was  about  $140,000,000,  which 
represents  a  rather  significant  increase  over  last  year. 
Fry:  Do  you  think  that  maintenance  is  the  most  difficult  area  to 
get  appropriations  for  now? 

Hartzog:   I  think  maintenance  and  management  are  the  most  difficult. 
You  can  dramatize  a  construction  need  for  a  camp  ground, 
but  it  is  awfully  hard  to  dramatize  the  fact  that  you  need 
somebody  to  pick  up  the  trash  that  is  in  the  campground, 
until  it  gets  real  dirty.   But  when  it  gets  real  dirty,  then 
you  have  other  kinds  of  problems  besides  just  the  problem  of 
trying  to  get  the  money  to  pick  up  the  trash.   Then  you  have 
all  the  public  relations  implications  of  the  dissatisfied 
camper  because  his  wife  went  in  the  bathhouse  and  it  was 


Hartzog:  dirty  or  he  went  in  and  it  was  dirty  or  the  children  got 
dirty  and  this  kind  of  stuff.   So  the  maintenance  side  of 
it  and  the  management  side,  the  funding  of  these  seasonal 
people,  is  tough  money  to  get.  Yes,  it  is. 
Fry:  The  parks  really  have  a  very  broad  constituency. 

Hartzog:   Yes,  they  do. 

Fry:  This  shows  up  in  some  of  the  Congressional  hearings,  and 

I  wonder  if  you  could  just  evaluate  for  me  the  feedback  that 
you  get  in  congressional  hearings  on  park  management  and 
so  forth. 

Hartzog:  Well,  the  interesting  thing  to  me  is  that  you  have  great 

constituency  and  you  have  a  great  deal  of  interesting  sup 
port,  but  it  usually  reflects  itself  in  getting  the  new  area. 
It  generally  doesn't  reflect  itself  in  spilling  over  to  the 
Appropriations  Committee  to  follow  through  in  getting  the 
money  for  the  management  of  the  area,  unless  you  have  a  real 
problem,  such  as  you  had  there  at  Point  Reyes  with  no  en 
trance  road.  When  these  people  descended  all  over  the  private 
land  owners,  then  we  really  got  some  support,  you  see?  But 
until  you  get  a  dramatic  situation  like  that,  they  just  kind 
of  forget  it  after  they  get  the  park. 

But  that  is  just  when  the  real  hard  work  actually  begins. 
That  was  what  the  Undersecretary  of  Interior  was  talking 
about  yesterday  with  the  Wilderness  Act:   the  getting  of  the 
legislation  is  the  main  tent;  the  implementing  of  it  is  the 


Hartzog:   kitchen  tent,  and  this  is  where  the  real  hot  and  dirty  work 

is.   And  the  getting  of  this  money  to  run  these  programs  from 
the  Appropriations  Committee  is  real  tough  work. 
Fry:  How  do  you  use  the  conservation  organizations  in  this  or  in 
any  kind  of  legislation?  Is  it  easy  to  send  out  a  call  for 

Hartzog:   No,  it  isn't,  because  you  see  by  law  we  are  prohibited  from 

lobbying  for  money,  for  programs  and  this  kind  of  thing.   But 
the  conservationists  are  certainly  not  prohibited  from  support 
ing  us.   And  I  think  that  a  great  deal  could  be  done  by  them 
which  they  are  not  now  doing  in  this  area  of  improving  the 
quality  of  the  management  and  maintenance  of  these  parks. 
They  are  dissatisfied  with  some  of  the  trails;  well,  the  best 
way  that  I  know  to  remedy  that  is  in  the  emphasis  in  their 
own  organization  and  their  own  support  of  our  budget  requests. 
Fry:   I  have  the  mental  picture  of  ex-park  officials  and  people 
who  have  been  very  close  to  parks  being  in  high  positions 
within  these  organizations,  so  that  communication  shouldn't 
be  too  difficult. 

Hartzog:  No.   It's  not.   It  is  not  too  difficult  getting  it  out;  the 
problem  that  you  have  is  in  getting  them  to  go  personally 
and  testify  before  the  congressional  committee.  A  lot  of 
them  are  content  to  write  a  letter,  and  writing  a  letter  is 
fine — it  makes  a  record — but  I  still  believe  that  there  is 
nothing  that  beats  personal  contact,  because  as  you  sit  there 


Hartzog:   in  front  of  that  committee  and  they  have  an  opportunity  to 
ask  you  questions  and  evaluate  what  you  are  saying  to  them, 
they  can  get  a  feel  for  whether  this  is  really  something  or 
whether  you  are  just  writing  a  letter  because  some  person 
said  for  you  to  write  a  letter.  Therefore,  I  don't  think 
that  just  pounding  out  a  letter  is  any  substitute  for  asking 
the  committee  for  an  opportunity  to  go  sit  down  and  talk 
with  them  about  it. 

Fry:   I  guess  there  are  problems  with  finances  there  too  that  come 
up,  transportation  from  the  West  to  Washington,  for  instance. 

Hartzog:  Yes,  I  think  this  is  part  of  it.  Conservationists  normally 

don't  have  the  same  kind  of  money  to  keep  people  in  Washington 
for  this  purpose  as  trade  organizations  do. 

Fry:   Because  this  is  going  to  be  deposited  as  a  manuscript  in 
Bancroft  Library,  I  would  like  to  ask  you  if  you  have  any 
observations  to  make  particularly  relevant  to  the  manage 
ment  of  California  national  parks. 

Hartzog:  No,  I  don't.   I  am  going  to  try  and  spend  some  time  out 

here  in  these  parks  this  summer  just  for  that  same  purpose. 
I  haven't  spent  any  time  in  them  yet.   I  just  went  to  Sequoia 
National  Park  and  stayed  two  days,  and  I  was  a  week  in 
Yosemite.   We  have  a  master  plan  coming  up  on  Sequoia,  and 
this  is  what  I  want  to  get  into. 



Fry:   My  question  on  concessions  is  my  last--because  I  don't  want 
to  detain  you  and  talk  about  this  all  night.   What  have  you 
seen  in  changes  in  the  relation  between  the  concessioners 
and  the  federal  government,  and  what  changes  in  their  role 
in  park  management? 

Hartzog:  Well,  of  course,  the  changes  have  been  dramatic.   The  con 
cessions  started  off  primarily  catering  to  a  clientele  that 
was  very  small,  that  arrived  by  railroad  and' wanted  a  very 
deluxe  type  of  service,  and  stayed  many  days  and  then  left. 

Today  it's  a  highly  mobile  population,  it  wants  one 
night's  lodging  and  it  wants  a  very  inexpensive  meal;  it 
probably  will  be  satisfied  with  a  soda  fountain,  with 
sandwiches — youngsters  want  hamburgers.   It's  a  wholly 
different  kind  of  travel.   Some  of  the  concessioners 
have  not  responded  to  this  change  as  rapidly  as  I  believe 
the  need  for  it  exists.   As  a  result,  some  of  them  have 
sold  their  properties,  such  as  the  Great  Northern  in 

Congress  is  very  much  concerned  about  the  way  we 
are  managing  concessions.   As  you  know,  they've  had  hear 
ings  on  this.   We  have  now  put  the  concessions  on  a  per 
centage  of  gross  receipts.   I  think  there's  a  keener  appre 
ciation  of  the  necessity  of  good  management  on  the  side  of 
both  the  concessioners  and  us — the  government,  I  mean-- 


Hartzog:  so  that  our  management  is  being  scrutinized  more  closely 
and  therefore  it's  got  to  be  better  management. 

The  concessioners  are  an  extremely  vital  part  of  a 
successful  park  operation.   I've  said  to  them  that  they're 
dynamic  and  creative  partners  in  providing  the  proper 
service  for  the  visitors  to  the  visitors'  parks — because 
these  are  the  taxpayers'  parks.  I  believe  that  we  have  a 
very  good  relationship  with  the  concessioners.  I  think 
the  informal  relationships  that  have  existed  in  the  past 
have  tended  to  become  more  formalized.   I  think  there's 
a  greater  emphasis  on  what  the  contract  says  and  what  the 
contract  requires.  This  can  be  good  and  it  can  be  bad. 
If  it's  allowed  to  become  petty  and  acrimonious,  it  can 
be  bad.  It's  good  if  it  helps  both  us  and  the  concession 
to  have  a  better  understanding  of  what  is  needed  and  who's 
going  to  do  it,  in  terms  of  what  service  and  what  quality 
of  service. 
Fry:  What's  happened  in  the  dilemma  of  the  concessioner  who 

can  operate  only  part  of  the  year,  and  yet  has  to  make  his 
margin  of  profit? 

Hartzog:  This  is  very  difficult.   It's  unlike  a  public  utility  in 
which  you  can  say  to  the  public,  "You've  got  to  use  this 
one  because  this  is  the  only  one."  In  the  national  parks, 
you  may  still  say,  "This  is  the  only  concession."  But 
they  don't  have  to  go  there.  And  furthermore  if  the 
weather's  bad  they  usually  won't  go  there. 


Hartzog:  So  it  puts  him  in  a  highly  speculative  kind  of  business, 
so  he  has  some  very  special  kinds  of  problems.   I  think 
that  we're  getting  some  better  understanding  of  what  these 
problems  are.   And  I  think  that  when  the  Interior  Committee 
starts  hearings  on  this  concession  bill  that  this  picture 
is  going  to  become  a  great  deal  clearer  than  it  is  right 
now.   Because  right  now,  it's  been  confused  by  the  General 
Accounting  Office  and  by  the  Appropriations  Committee  and 
by  the  Government  Operations  Committee.   We  just  really  are 
in  a  confused  policy  state  right  now.  This  is  why  the  bill 
has  been  introduced:   to  put  into  statutory  form  the 
existing  concession  policies. 

Fry:  I'm  not  current  on  this.  Has  there  been  more  of  a  trend 
toward  participation  by  the  federal  government?  This 
could  take  the  form  of  more  instances  of  federal  ownership 
of  the  physical  plant  of  a  concession,  or  outright.  .  .  . 

Hartzog:  No,  no,  I  wouldn't  say  there's  been  any  trend.  We've  had 
to  go  in  in  some  places,  such  as  Isle  Royale,  and  build 
the  buildings  because  there's  just  no  way  for  private 
enterprise  to  do  it.   But  we  remain  very  firmly  fixed  to 
the  policy  that  these  facilities  should  be  provided  and 
operated  by  private  capital.   I  think  this  is  the  most 
effective  way  of  getting  it  done. 
Fry:  What  about  subsidies  then,  when  there  are  difficulties? 

Hartzog:  One  of  the  things  that's  going  to  be  involved,  it  seems  to 


Hartzog:  me  (and  this  is  one  of  the  bills  that's  pending  in  the 

Congress)  is  we're  going  to  have  to  provide  some  kind  of 
financial  guarantee  of  the  concession  loans,  just  as  FHA 
had  to  finally  step  in  and  do  this  in  house  financing  because 
it  just  got  to  the  point  where  a  property  owner  couldn't  buy 
a  house.   So  FHA  moved  in  and  said,  "We'll  guarantee  X  per 
cent  of  this  loan."  This  therefore  gave  the  prospective 
homeowner  a  greater  equity,  down-payment,  so  to  speak.   Be 
cause  he  not  only  had  his  own  money,  but  in  addition  the 
government  is  guaranteeing  that  much  more.   So  then  the  lender 
could  lend  him  that  much  more.  I  think  that  we're  headed  in 
this  direction  in  concessions.  We've  got  to,  it  seems  to  me, 
if  you're  going  to  insure  the  concessioner  an  adequate  supply 
of  risk  capital  as  well  as  a  reasonable  rate  of  interest  at 
which  he  can  get  this  risk  capital.   Because  it  j£  a  specula 
tive  business — there  just  isn't  that  much  profit  in  it.  It's 
profitable;  I'm  not  saying  they  are  not  profitable — some  of 
these  concessions  make  very  good  money.   But  it  also  has  a 
highly  risky  factor  involved  too.  And  operating  under  the 
restrictions  of  a  national  park,  not  being  able  to  go  to  the 
extremes  that  they  could  go  to  if  they  were  outside  in  order 
to  maximize  the  profit  within  the  short  range,  I  think  we've 
got  to  move  in  some  other  directions  to  ease  this  financial 
Fry:  Has  there  been  any  change  in  length  of  contract? 


Hartzog:  Yes.  The  Congress  recently  authorized  up  to  thirty  years 

instead  of  the  traditional  twenty  years.   But  we  only  have, 
I  think,  two  of  these  thirty-year  contracts.  The  term  is  not 
the  important  thing.  The  thing  the  banker  wants  back  is  his 
money,  you  see.  He  isn't  interested  in  how  long  you  keep 
it;  he's  interested  in  whether  he  gets  it  back.  So  if  he 
isn't  satisfied  that  he's  going  to  get  his  money  back,  it 
doesn't  make  any  difference  if  he's  got  a  fifty-year  con 
tract.  What  he  wants  is  his  money  back  with  interest.  He's 
in  the  banking  business. 
Fry:  I  was  thinking  a  longer-term  contract  might  allow  them  to 

invest  their  own  capital  with  a  little  more  feeling  of  security. 

Hartzog:  My  gosh,  it  does.   But  if  they  don't  have  it  in  the  first 

place — and  I  don't  know  any  of  them  that  have  enough  capital 
to  take  it  right  out  of  their  pockets  and  invest  it — they 
usually  have  to  borrow  it. 
Fry:  When  you  were  working  on  concessions  way  back  in  1950,  were 

you  involved  in  that  study  that  went  on  under  Secretary  Krug? 

Hartzog:  Yes. 

Fry:  But  then  you  didn't  have  anything  to  do  with  the  instituting 
of  any  results  of  that  study. 

Hartzog:  No.  I  was  just  working  there. 

Fry:  Could  you  just  off-the-cuff  give  me  some  of  the  major  dif 
ferences  of  problems  about  concessions  then  and  now? 

Hartzog:  Then  of  course,  the  question  was  whether  the  concessioner 
actually  even  had  a  possessionary  interest  or  any  right  to 


Hartzog:  be  compensated  for  the  improvements  which  he'd  made  on 

government  property.  This  is  really  the  thing  that  precipi 
tated  the  whole  dialogue.  Then  we  got  involved  in  the  question 
of  how  much  return  should  a  concessioner  get,  should  he  be  on  a 
percentage  of  net  profit?  Should  there  be  some  limitation  on 
the  amount  of  profits  that  he  should  make?  Well,  this  is  a 
whole  other  day.   [laughter] 

Fry:  It  is  getting  late  for  you,  and  while  I'd  like  to  talk  to 
you  about  the  Secretaries  of  Interior,  I  guess  we  really 
couldn't  do  them  justice.  Thank  you  for  giving  your  after 
noon  for  an  interview. 

Hartzog:  This  has  been  a  pleasure,  and  I  appreciate  the  opportunity 
to  sit  down  and  discuss  these  things  with  you.  Thank  you. 


This  Land 

By  Harold  CUIiam 

TTHE  MAN  with  the  most 
A  powerful  grip  In  Wash 
ington,  D.C.,  is  muscular, 
cigar-chomping  George  B. 
Hartzog  Jr.,  seventh  direc 
tor  of  the  National  Park 
Service  and  proponent  of  a 
controversial  new  national 
park  policy. 

His  hearty  handclasp, 
steely  enough  to  make  a 
professional  wrestler 
wince,  is  a  natural  concom 
itant  of  a  personality  that 
radiates  energy  as  a  Yel 
lowstone  geyser  gives  off 

Hartzog  bears  not  the 
slightest  resemblance  to 
the  stereotype  of  the  uni 
formed  park  ranger  whose 
chief  interest  is  rocks  and 
wildlife.  This  is  no  John 
Muir  of  the  mountains  but 
a  gregarious  extrovert  who 
is  more  often  to  be  found  in 
offices  and  committee 
rooms  than  in  the  wilder 
ness  —  although  he  knows 
his  way  around  in  the 
woods  and  is  an  inveterate 

If  Hartzog's  park  philoso 
phy  is  different  from  that 
of  some  of  his  predeces 
sors,  right  or  wrong,  the 
reasons  are  understand 
able.  These  are  different 
times  with  different  park 
problems,  and  he  is  a  dif 
ferent  breed  of  man. 

Late  Camper 

Hartzog  still  speaks  with 
a  trace  of  the  inflections  of 
South  Carolina,  where  he 
was  born.  He  never  saw  a 
national  park  until  he  was 
in  the  Army  in  World  War 
II,  stationed  at  Fort  Lewis. 
Washington,  and  visited 
Mount  Rainier  on  a  week 
end  pass. 

There  he  enjoyed  watch 
ing  and  joining  families 
playing  in  the  snow. 

"I  felt  then  and  I  feel 
now,"  he  said  on  a  recent 
visit  to  San  Francisco. 
"that  this  is  what  parks 
are  for  —  people  having 
themselves  a  lot  of  fun  in 
the  outdoors. 

"I'm  not  afi.-iid  that  peo 
ple  will  ruin  the  parks,  if 
we  make  proper  provision 
for  them.  We  have  to  dis 
perse  the  facilities  and  en 
courage  visitors  to  spread 
out.  We're  trying  to  pro 
vide  more  campgrounds 
and  minimum  facilities, 
like  youth  hostels,  where 
young  people  can  throw  a 
sleeping  bag  on  the  flo-ir  " 

Krvn  Miti'MH 

It  pu>l>«M>  «ltl  Iv  ii.vr* 
vu  v.  tic  aiklrJ.  1 1  Imut  at 
tendance  in  many  areas 

Tarks  Are  for  People 
To  Have  Fun  In' 


and  require  reservations 
not  only  for  housing  but  for 
admittance  through  the 
park  gates. 

"The  real  enemies  of  the 
national  parks  arc  nor  peo 
ple  but  automobiles."  Hart 
zog  said.  'Cars  foul  up  the 
environment  in  the  parks 
just  like  they  do  anywhere 
else.  They  take  over  too 
many  acres  of  natural 
areas  for  parking,  and 
they're  even  creating  a 
smog  problem  in  Yoscmite. 

"That's  why  we're  look 
ing  for  ways  of  limiting  the 
impact  of  cars.  There's  a 
lot  of  pressure  to  widen 
roads  in  the  parks  and 
build  more  of  them,  but  in 
stead  we're  thinking  about 
having  one-way  roads,  get 
ting  people  on  through 
while  they're  having  a  re 
creational  driving  experi 

The  road  in  the  Great 
Smokies  might  be  one  such 
route,  he  suggested,  or  pos- 
s  i  b  1  y  the  Tioga  road 
through  Yosemite. 

"And  we're  looking  into 
other  ways  of  getting  peo 
ple  in  and  out  of  the  parks 
—  monorail,  funiculars, 
other  kinds  of  trains." 

Land  Costs 

Hartzog  is  an  attorney  by 
prolession  and  began  his 
park  career  in  the  National 
Park  Service  solicitor's  of 
fice.  Secretary  of  the  Inte 
rior  Stewart  Udall  appoint 
ed  him  to  the  top  job  in 
1963.  on  the  retirement  of 
Director  Conrad  L.  Wirth. 

One  of  Hartzog's  major 
headaches  is  the  escalation 
of  land  costs  in  areas 





where  parks  are  proposed. 
At  Point  Reyes  National 
Seashore,  for  example, 
prices  have  skyrocketed  to 
incredible  heights.  The  $19 
million  authorized  to  pur 
chase  the  land  has  bought 
less  than  half  of  the  desig 
nated  area,  and  prices  for 
the  rest  have  gone  up  so 
far  that  another  $40  million 
or  so  would  be  required  to 
complete  the  purchase  — 
an  amount  that  a 
hiidEcf-T'"^"-!  Congress 
has  so  far  been  unwilling  to 

As  an  alternative.  Hart 
zog  proposed  that  the  re 
maining  acreage  be  pur 
chased  and  part  of  the  pur 
chase  price  be  recovered 
by  leasing  some  of  the 
lands  to  private  owners 
who  would  contract  to  put 
in  controlled  developments 
—  golf  courses,  recreation 
facilities,  and  limited  resi 
dential  buildings. 

The  proposal  raised  the 
hackles  of  conservationists 
who  oppose  such  drastic 
departure  from  traditional 
national  park  principles, 
but  so  far  no  working  alter 
native  has  emerged. 

If  Hartzog  sometimes 
seems  to  place  less  empha 
sis  on  preservation  of  sce 
nery  and  more  emphasis 
on  recreation  and  develop 
ment  than  some  conserva- 
tionists  would  wish,  he 
may  claim  ample  prece 

Of  the  six  previous  Na 
tional  Park  Service  Direc 
tors,  Hartzog  in  some  re 
spects  most  closely  resem 
bles  the  first  —  the  legend 
ary  Steven  T.  Mather,  a 
native  Californian  and  en 
ergetic  businessman  who 
inaugurated  the  job  in  1917 
and  led  his  associates  a 
gruelling  pace  day  and 
night.  Mather  was  full  of 
ideas  for  recreation  facili 
ties  in  the  parks,  including 
swimming  pools  and  golf 
courses.  However,  he  was 
too  busy  establishing  the 
park  service  and  acquiring 
major  park  lands  to  put 
most  of  these  idea*  to 

Like  his  illustrious  prede 
cessor,  Hartzog  is  on  the 
move  continually,  full  of 
nervous  energy,  and  by 
shortly  after  five  o'clock  on 
most  mornings  is  out  hik 
ing  around  a  golf  course 
near  his  home  in  Arlington, 
Virginia,  mulling  over  the 
ideas  that  may  become 
part  of  his  over-all  pro 
gram,  entitled,  ambitious 
ly,  "Parkscape  USA." 


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.  v^  VJ-TW^. 

.     .    - 


S.F.  Sunday  Examiner  and  Chronicle 

15  October  1967 



October  1C,  1963 

Mr.  Secretary,  Mr.  Director,  Mr.  Mew  Director,  Mr.  llev  Associate 
Director  and  friends. 

I  didn't  expect  to  toake  a  speech,  so  I  only  have  some  notes.  I  think 
I  had  a  little  part  in  getting  Ceorpe  [llartzog]  where  he  is  and  I  would  like 
to  tell  you  .a  story  about  a  "Shangri-La"  that  was  held  after  I  pave  Director 
Wirth  a  year's  notice  of  ny  retirement  plans. 

These  changes  are  of  greatest  importance  to  conservationists  and  no 
doubt  many  wonder  about  the  process  of  selection  which  fills  such  critical 
positions  and  the  conditions  surrounding  the  Job,  In  viev  of  the  very 
unfortunate  circumstances  which  developed  the  day  prior  tc  t..<;  annoimcrr  •uv. 
of  Director  Wirth' s  retirement,  I  think  that  these  facts  shcuiJ  be  made 

The  highest  Civil  Service  job  classification  is  Grade  15.  Above  this 
are  what  are  known  as  Superprades  16,  17  and  18.  These  arc  also  Known  .--•? 
Excepted  Positions  -  in  other  words,  appointments  to  them  can  be  ma<?e  "iui!- 
out' Civil  Service  status  and  tenure  is  subject  to  the  will  perha:-;.  ;...•: 
the  Whim  of  the  appointing  officer.   By  nnd  larp,e  the  jobs  ere  considered  ;..i 
Just  rewards  for  the  politically  faithful.  Even  when  career 
employees  are  selected  for  these  super.^rades,  it  can  be  assured  that  their 
political  attitudes  have  been  checked  :>nt!  found  at  least  not  objectionable. 

In  my  own  case  when  I  had  been  told,  in  1955,  that  I  had  been  selected 
for  promotion  to  Associate  Director  (Trade  17),  and  warned  tc  keep  the 
matter  completely  secret,  I  var,  start!  ;d  a  few  days  later  to  -et  a  call 


from  the  Republican  County  Chairman  notifying  me  that  he  had  been  informed 
of  the  proposed  appointment  and  instructed  to  send  in  a  report. of  nay  political 
affiliations.  As  I  had  been  in  Civil  Service  for  some  UO  years  and  had  always 
registered  as  in  Independent,  I  do  not  know  what  the  report  contained,  but  at 
least  the  c.ppolntment  indicated  I  was  acceptable. 

In  these  circumstances,  it  should  be  kept  in  mind  that  there  are  some 
things  to  which  the  Secretary  of  the  Interior  must  give  consideration  when 
he  makes  his  appointments  to  these  top  positions  in  the  Park  Service.  I 
doubt  if  he  could  afford  to  Ignorv  entirely  the  political  aspects  of 'the 
situation,  no  matter  how  devoted  he  was  to  keeping  career  personnel  in  con 
trol  of  the  Bureau.  In  this  case,  we  can  all  be  deeply  thankful  that  he 
gave  the  jobs  to  two  National  Park  Service  employees  Judged  by  a  Jury  of 
their  peers  to  be  capable  of  handling  the  Jobs. 

Let  me  explain  this  last  sentence.  In  January  1961,  I  informed 
Mr.  Wirth  that  it  was  my  intention  to  retire  the  following  January.  This 
left  him  with  the  problem  of  finding  a  qualified  successor  in  whom  he  could 
have  complete  confidence,  and  who  would  be  acceptable  to  the  Secretary.  A 
short  time  later  he  conferred  on  the  matter  with  people  in  the  Secretary's 
Office.  He  was  told  that  the  Secretary  was  fully  inclined  to  go  along  with 
a  career  appointment.  However,  it  was  emphasized  that  the  new  Associate 
Director  should  be  selected  with  the  end  in  view  that  he  would  most  likely 
be  the  next  Director  and  should  be  young  enough  to  have  up  to  20  years  of 
active  service  ahead  of  him. 

In  order  to  get  a  list  of  names  which  could  be  sent  to  the  Secretary,  * 
the  Director  selected  a  Committee  of  Park  Service  veterans  to  meet  with  him 
and  study  the  situation.  The  members  of  the  Committee  were  Thomas  C.  Vint, 


Chief  Design  and  Construction,  and  whose  retirement  had  already  been  approved 
after  kO  years  of  service;  R.  P.  Lee,  Regional  Director  in  Philadelphia; 
John  Preston,  Superintendent  of  Yosemite  National  Park  and  myself.  In  order 
to  enable  us  to  work  undisturbed  and  awuy  from  telephones,  we  held  a  two-day 
session  with  Mr.  Wirth  in  Annapolis,  Maryland.  If  I  remember  correctly, 
this  was  in  May  1961. 

Keeping  in  mind  the  specification  set  by  the  Secretary  and  other  guide 
lines  we  felt  were  necessary  and  appropriate,  and  after  checking  personnel 
records  again  and  again,  we  agreed  on  a  list  of  7  names.  A  number  of  highly 
qualified  people  in  the  Service  were  passed  over  because  they  had  reached  an 
age  where  they  could  not  succeed  the  present  Director  and  still  have  a  number 
of  active  years  ahead  of  them. 

The  consensus  of  the  Committee  was  that  Mr.  Hartzog  should  be  #1  on  the 
list.  Mr.  Stratton  was  also  well  up  near  the  top.  Of  course,  we  did  not 
consider  the  names  of  anyone  outside  the  Service.  I  feel  very  strongly  that 
this  should  never  be  done. 

Shortly  before  I  retired,  Dr.  Wirth  asked  me  to  go  over  the  list  again 
and  let  him  have  my  latest  thoughts  on  the  subject.  I  reported  that  I  still 
thought  the  recommendations  were  sound;  that  J  was  firmly  convinced  that 
Mr.  qartzog  should  be  number  one. 

There  would  be  no  particular  point  to  this  story  were  it  not  for  the 
announcement  in  the  New  York  Times  of  October  17th  of  Director  Wirth 's  retire 
ment  and  the  appointment  of  Mr.  George  Hartzog  to  the  resulting  vacancy.  The 
official  announcement  of  these  changes  vac  to  have  been  made  by  Secretary  Udall 
at  .the  National  Park  Service  Conference  in  Yosemite  National  Park  on  Friday, 
the  18th. 

The  story,  quoted  in  considerable  cetail  from  a  supposedly  within  the 
family  speech  given  by  Assistant  Secretary  John  Carver  at  toe  opening  session 


of  the  Conference,  .led  the  reader  to  believe  Dri  Wlrth  was  being  precipitously 
forced  out  and  that  Mr.  Hartzog  was  being  given  the  Job  because  he  would  be 
more  cooperative  with  the  Secretary's  Office.  This  was  the  most  demoralizing 
thing  that  has  happened  to  the  National  Park  Service  since  it  was  established 
in  1916.  Only.. a  very  few  of  the  conferees  knew  of  the  retirement  and 


suddenly  they  were  confronted  with  a  tale  which  indicated  their  beloved  and 
highly  respected  Director  was  being  forced  out  under  rather  discreditable 
circumstances.  Further,  that  his  successor,  Judged  by  conditions  as  stated 
in  the  report,  could  be  suspected  of  being  a  conniving  party  to  a  deal  behind 
the  Director's  back  to  get  the  job  for  himself. 

Mr.  Udall  has  emphatically  denied  all  the  Implications  of  the  story 
and  confirmed  that  Dr..  Wlrth  had  given  him  9  months  advance  notice  of  his 
retirement.  I  hope  that  all  will  realize  that  Mr.  George  Hartzog  fully 
earned  his  try  at  the  Directorship  and  that,  as 'I  said  before,  he  was  judged 
by  a  Jury  of  experienced  and  informed  associates  in  the  Service  and  found 
worthy  and  qualified  for  that  position.  That  both  he  and  Mr.  Stratton,  the 
new  Associate  Director,  are,  I  have  reasons  to  believe,  good  Democrats,  is 
beside  the  point.  Personally,  I  am  sure  that  both  will  demonstrate  they  are 
fully  capable  to  meet  the  crushing  responsibilities  of  leading  the  National 
Park' Service,  but  they  can  use  a  lot  of  help  and  cooperation. 

So  George— and  Clark- -I'm  going  to  watch  your  careers  with  great 
Interest,  because  I  think  you  have  what  it  takes. 

I  think  the  Secretary  has  done  a  wonderful  thing  in  making  these 
appointments  and  I  believe  what  has  happened  here  today  is  a  tremendous 
compliment  to  the  National  Park  Service.  I  don't  think  any  Secretary 
ever  will  have  too  much  trouble  with  such  appointments  if  the  Park  Service 
continues  to  produce  men  of  the  quality  necessary  to  the  duty. 


That  i<5  the  responsibility  of  all  of  you  fellows— I'm  over  the  hump  now— 
but  you  be  sure  that  you  do  your  vork  so  that  when  vacancies  occur  the 
Secretary  will  have  career  employees  that  he  can  put  into  these  positions. 

Wow,  Rr,  Secretary,  after  I  retired  after  U6  years,  7  months  with  the 
Department  of  the  Interior,  something  of  which  I  am  exceedingly  proud,  I  want 
to  thank  you  from  the  bottom  of  my  heart  for  the  appointments  you  have  made 

here  today.  I  certainly  congratulate  you  in  overriding  perhaps  some  pressures 


that  have  been  upon  you  otherwise  to  make  these  appointments. 

As  I  leave  this  stand— let's  get  up  and  let  the  Secretary  know— really 
know— how  we  feel!     Thank  you. 



COM1ITTEE.  JANUARY  18,  1968 

Thank  you  very  much  for  this  opportunity  to  report  to  you  today 
on  the  management  of  the  National  Park  Service.  It  is  always  an 
honor  and  a  privilege  to  appear  before  you.  He  in  the  National 
Park  Service  know  how  tirelessly  this  Committee  has  worked  to 
advance  the  conservation  of  our  natural  and  cultural  heritage 
and  to  meet  the  increasing  and  perplexing  challenges  of  this 
Nation's  park  and  recreation  needs.  We  know  how  dedicated  you 
are  as  individual  members,  and  we  are  deeply  grateful  to  you, 
Mr.  Chairman,  and  to  each  member  of  the  Committee,  for  your 
interest,  counsel,  and  assistance. 

We  all  look  forward  with  pleasure  to  working  with  each  of  you 
in  this  second  session  of  the  90th  Congress.  We  stand  ready  to 
serve  you  in  every  way  we  can. 

For  the  past  four  years,  it  has  been  a  great  personal  satisfaction 
to  report  on  the  progress  we  have  made  in  carrying  out  the  growing 
responsibilities  you  have  given  to  us.  It  has  also  been  a  great 
source  of  strength  to  me,  and  to  all  of  my  colleagues,  to  know 
that  we  could  share  with  you  the  burden  of  our  problems  and  to 
know  that  when  we  did  so  we  would  have  your  careful  attention 
and  thoughtful  understanding. 

It  Is  my  belief  that  the  National  Park  Service  has  reached  a  time 
in  its  history  which  requires  thoughtful  decisions  on  enormously 
complex  park  problems,  and  bold  innovation  in  the  implementation 
of  these  decisions. 


In  my  statement  to  this  Committee  last  year,  Mr.  Chairman,  I 
presented  our  program  designed  to  take  a  long  and  searching  look 
at  the  quality  of  the  environment  of  our  National  Park  System  and 
to  develop  feasible  objectives  for  the  National  Park  Service  to 
contribute  to  a  new  conservation  ethic  in  this  country. 

We  call  this  program  PARKSCAPE  U.S.A.,  because  it  identifies  our 
concern  with  the  landscapes,  seascapes,  and  cityscapes  which  make 
up  our  natural  and  cultural  inheritance. 


All  of  us  are  acutely  aware  of  the  unrelenting  pressures  of 
civilization  whose  all-pervasive  influence  seems  likely  to  render 
all  of  our  resources  into  "useful"  objects  for  a  Materialistic 

The  National  Parks  are  increasingly  popular  as  places  of  escape, 
which  provide  an  inspirational  alternative  to  the  urban  sprawl. 
The  astounding  mobility  of  our  citizens  has  brought  the  most 
remote  corners  of  this  continent  within  reach  of  millions. 

The  major  destination  points  for  this  migration— usually  in  the 
summer—are  the  well-known  National  Parks,  which  are  now  asked 
to  serve  a  volume  of  visitors  beyond  our  comprehension  as 
recently  as  the  years  immediately  following  World  War  II,  and 
to  withstand  modern  recreational  activities  of  many  kinds. 

It  may  well  be  that  the  general  public  has  lost  sight  of,  or 
perhaps  never  fully  understood,  that  a  significant  difference 
exists  between  National  Parks  and  other  public  lands  offering 
outdoor  recreational  opportunities. 

With  explosive  increases  in  visitation,  it  is  imperative  that 
park  use  be  tempered  by  genuine  understanding  and  appreciation 
of  park  resources,  if  their  real  values  are  to  be  conserved. 
And  more  important  still,  that  sense  of  values— that  ecological 
conscience  that  is  at  the  heart  of  what  we  call  PABKSCAPE— is 
essential  to  the  achievement  and  maintenance  of  a  truly  livable 
environment  for  mankind  Itself. 

We  feel  that  we  must  play  a  significant  role  in  developing  in 
the  public  a  sense  of  oneness  with  the  environment,  if  the 
PARKSCAPE  program  is  to  be  of  genuine  service  to  the  nation 
and  its  parklands.  We  have  expanded  and  intensified  our  efforts 
in  that  direction  in  several  key  ways. 

One  of  our  most  important  actions  last  year  was  the  appointment 
of  Dr.  A.  Starker  Leopold  as  Chief  Scientist  of  the  National  Park 
Service.  Dr.  Leopold,  who  will  continue  in  his  position  as 
Assistant  to  the  Chancellor  and  Director  of  the  Museum  of 
Vertebrate  Zoology,  University  of  California,  is  a  world  famous 
ecologist  who  has  recently  served  as  Chairman  of  Secretary  Udall's 
Advisory  Committee  on  Wildlife  Management  in  the  National  Parks. 


Under  Dr.  Leopold's  leadership,  our  Office  of  Natural  Science 
Studies  will  provide  much  of  the  basic  knowledge  necessary  to 
maintain  or  restore  the  ecological  integrity  of  our  National 
Parks . 

A  national  understanding  of  the  values  of  our  natural  and 
historic  heritage  is  essential  to  the  successful  conservation 
of  the  National  Park  System,.  We  have  pledged  to  communicate 
these  values,  and  to  this  end,  during  1967,  we  consolidated 
our  interpretive  and  information  programs  under  an  Assistant 
Director  for  Interpretation. 

Within  the  parks,  an  improved  Interpretive  program  will  be 
accomplished  by  a  reorientation  in  our  approach  to  interpretation. 
The  temptation  is  to  Interpret— to  communicate  with  the  visitor- 
only  in  terms  of  the  colorful  and  exciting  parts  of  each  park's 
story;  or,  at  best,  in  terms  of  the  park  story  alone.  In  doing 
so,  we  sometimes  fail  to  bring  to  the  visitor  a  sense  of  the 
broader  picture — the  complex  and  vulnerable  world  of  living  and 
inanimate  things  of  which  man  is  so  influential  a  part. 

Through  training  and  through  publications,  exhibits,  and  audio* 
visual  productions  that  constitute  an  integral  part  of  park 
interpretation,  the  new  office  will  play  a  key  role  in  presenting 
the  message  of  environmental  unity. 

By  allied  efforts  with  schools,  conservation  organizations  and 
others  we  will  help  make  available  to  school  children  across  the 
Nation,  through  the  existing  educational  structure,  a  fully 
integrated  program  to  foster  environmental  perception.  The 
initial  force  of  these  efforts  will  be  directed  at  the  Nation's 
congested  urban  areas;  and  this  is  just  one  of  many  ways  in 
which  we  hope  to  enlarge  the  horizons  of  the  millions  of  city 
dwellers  who  now  have  so  pitifully  few  opportunities  to  savor 
the  expansion  of  the  mind  tnd  spirit  that  comes,  not  from  LSD, 
but  from  the  fresh  breath  of  woodlands  and  tangible  reminders 
of  the  people  and  events  that  shaped  America. 


Millions  of  Americans  who  never  have— and  perhaps  never  will- 
set  foot  In  wilderness,  nor  thrill  at  the  sight  of  true  vildness, 
take  genuine  pleasure  and  receive  a  spiritual  lift  from  knowledge 


of  the  existence  of  unspoiled  wlldlands.  More  millions  can— 
and  shall—know  that  pleasure.  And  their  children,  and  their 
children's  children,  deserve  the  assurance  that  the  National 
Parks  remain  the  gold  standard  on  which  the  currency  of  such 
pleasures  is  based. 

There  is  a  very  real  danger,  however,  that  we  may  destroy  the 
wildness  by  trying  to  take  every  visitor  to  its  heart.  But  if 
parks  are  for  people— and,  indeed,  they  are—what  are  the 
alternatives  to  the  steady  extension  of  visitor  use  facilities 
in  the  parks? 

Last  fall,  I  appointed  a  blue-ribbon  cossiittee,  composed  of 
conservation  leaders,  as  well  as  key  National  Park  Service  staff 
members,  to  define  the  purposes,  the  standards,  and  the  alterna 
tives  to  park  roads.  In  these  times,  the  matter  of  roads— of 
crausportatlon  through  the  parks— is  very  much  at  the  heart  of 
nearly  every  aspect  of  park  management.  The  committee  soon  will 
have  ready  its  recommendations  on  these  matters.  The  committee's 
preliminary  report  reaffirms  the  necessity  for  restraint  in  road 
building;  the  principle  that  park  roads  are  for  leisurely  travel; 
and  the  urgency  of  the  need  for  functional  alternatives  to  auto 
mobile  travel  in  the  parks.  In  this  regard,  recent  technology  is 
our  ally  in  providing  us  with  the  prospect  of  less  intrusive  and 
more  effective  forms  of  transportation. 

Ihe  Service  is  assessing  the  capabilities,  cost,  location, 
criteria,  and  ecological  effects  of  a  number  of  methods  of 
transporting  visitors — buses,  monorails,  funiculars  and  rail 
conveyors.  These  forms  of  access  might  well  prove  adaptable  to 
our  use,  with  considerably  less  environmental  intrusion  which 
inevitably  accompanies  road  construction  and  automobile  traffic. 

In  my  judgment ,  we  must  noon  impose  more  stringent  controls  over 
vehicles.  It  has  been  demonstrated  beyond  any  question  that 
transportation  systems  other  than  privately-operated  automobiles 
can  be  highly  successful,  and  we  intend  to  vigorously  continue 
our  investigation  of  such  systems  for  use  in  National  Parks. 

National  parklands  exert  increasingly  salutary  influences  on 
the  environment  of  our  Nation.  Through  cooperative  planning  with 
local,  State  and  Federal  organizations—and  the  private  sector— 
we  are  acting  on  our  legitimate  concern  for  the  environment  in 
which  the  National  Parks-- and  their  owners,  the  people  of 
America—exist . 


We  Intend  to  continue  to  encourage  development  of  alternate 
facilities  outside  parks,  and  to  promote,  where  feasible,  some 
more  equitable  distribution  of  present  use  patterns. 

While  every  reasonable  indirect  way  will  be  sought  to  ease  the 
burden,  increasing  use,  ultimately,  will  force  us  to  Impose 
some  form  of  direct  control  over  the  volume  and  duration  of 
park  visits,  especially  in  the  older,  more  fragile  areas. 

We  have  become  increasingly  concerned  with  our  responsibilities 
in  urban  matters  as  they  relate  to  historic  preservation,  city 
parks  and  recreation,  sites  and  structures,  visitor  contact, 
transportation,  beaut if icat ion,  planning,  zoning,  and  other 
activities  requiring  close  cooperation  with  many  Interests  at 
many  levels. 

A  number  of  newly  authorized  areas,  as  well  as  some  of  the 
proposed  areas,  are  in  or  near  urban  complexes.  We  have  for 
many  years  been  Intimately  associated  with  urban  affairs,  not 
only  here  in  Washington,  D.  C. ,  but  also  in  such  major  cities 
as  New  York,  Philadelphia,  St.  Louis,  and  Boston.  Most  of 
America's  population  resides  in  metropolitan  areas,  and  here 
the  National  Park  concepts  and  philosophies  can  be  employed  to 
help  cities  achieve  more  handsome,  more  livable  environments, 
and  the  values  of  conservation  can  be  more  effectively 

For  this  reason,  last  year  I  reorganized  my  Immediate  staff  to 
establish  an  Office  of  Urban  Affairs,  headed  by  a  Deputy  Associate 
Director  to  coordinate  our  urban  programs.  Although  this  office 
has  been  in  operation  only  a  few  months,  it  has  been  extremely 
effective  in  carrying  out  and  coordinating  a  large  number  of 
highly  complex  activities. 


The  Bureau  of  Outdoor  Recreation  is  at  work  on  the  Nationwide 
Recreation  Plan  as  prescribed  by  the  Congress.  A  part  of  this 
plan  is  the  National  Park  System  Plan.  During  1967,  a  special 
effort  was  made  to  move  ahead  on  the  National  Park  System  Plan 
to  provide  information  to  the  Bureau  of  Outdoor  Recreation  for 
the  Nationwide  Recreation  Plan. 


In  addition  to  studies  of  areas  proposed  for  addition  to  the 
National  Park  System  as  Federal  properties,  the  National  Park 
System  Plan  involves  the  Natural  Landmarks  Program. 

During  calendar  1967,  203  sites  were  studied  by  the  Service  for 
eligibility  as  Natural  Landmarks.  One  hundred  and  twenty-five 
site  evaluations  were  completed  and,  of  these,  45  were  approved 
as  eligible.  Twenty-three  eligible  sites  were  Included  in  the 
register  at  the  request  of  their  owners,  and  seven  presentation 
ceremonies  were  held. 

In  1968,  the  Service  plans  to  study  ISO  additional  sites  to 
determine  their  qualification  for  Natural  Landmark  status. 

To  clarify  the  objectives  and  status  of  Service  programs  involving 
natural  areas,  publication  of  a  brochure  is  planned  for  1968  cover 
ing  natural  areas— parks,  monuments  and  landmarks --as  a  companion 
volume  to  the  National  Register  of  Historic  Places. 

Through  the  Service's  National  Registries  of  Natural  and  Historic 
Landmarks,  our  endorsement  and  counsel  is  offered  to  those  outside 
the  Service  who  are  preserving  outstanding  i..«f  ural  and  historical 
resources  without  the  expenditure  of  any  Federal  funds  for  acqui 
sition.  In  many  cases,  this  recognition  of  excellence  can  spell 
the  difference  between  continued  protection  or  irredeemable  loss 
of  significant  resources. 


In  October  1966,  the  Congress  enacted  the  National  Historic 
Preservation  Act  (P.L.  89-665),  a  legislative  milestone  that 
vastly  broadens  and  strengthens  the  national  preservation  policy 
laid  down  by  the  Congress  in  the  Historic  Sites  Act  of  1935.  To 
carry  out  the  new  responsibilities  charged  to  the  National  Park 
Service,  we  have  regrouped  our  existing  professional  units  in 
this  field  and  added  two  new  ones  to  form  the  Office  of  Archeology 
and  Historic  Preservation. 

In  addition  to  conducting  previously  existing  programs  of 
archeological  salvage,  Historic  Sites  Survey,  Historic  American 
Buildings  Survey,  and  others,  the  new  office  has  made  considerable 
progress  in  launching  the  Nationwide  Historic  Preservation  Program 
authorized  by  P.L.  89-665. 


For  this  fiscal  year  Che  Congress  appropriated  $300,000  for  matching 
grants -in-aid  to  the  National  Trust  for  Historic  Preservation.  These 
funds  are  now  being  granted  to  the  Trust  on  a  regular  schedule  for 
acquisition  and  development  of  Trust  properties  and  for  educational 
and  technical  programs  throughout  the  Nation.  Although  no  funds 
were  appropriated  for  grants -in-aid  to  the  States,  we  have  developed 
detailed  guidelines  for  the  State  programs  once  funds  are  made 
available.  We  are  now  holding  a  series  of  regional  meetings  with 
the  State  Liaison  Officers  appointed  by  the  Governors  to  carry  out 
the  State  programs. 

The  first  published  edition  of  the  National  Register  of  Historic 
Places  is  now  nearing  completion.  Federal  agencies  have  predicted 
a  need  to  make  10,000  consultations  of  the  Register  per  year.  We 
are  intensively  studying  the  application  of  computer  technology 
to  the  storage  and  retrieval  of  National  Register  data  so  as  to 
make  this  use  of  the  Register  more  efficient. 

The  ten  citizen  members  of  the  Advisory  Council  on  Historic 
Preservation,  appointed  by  the  President  in  March  1967,  have  held 
two  working  meetings.  The  Council  has  shown  an  enthusiasm  and 
dedication  that  promises  to  make  it  an  immensely  effective  body. 

The  national  historic  preservation  program  united  the  resources 
of  Federal,  State,  and  local  government,  private  societies,  and 
individuals  throughout  the  Nation  in  a  major  new  effort  to  save 
the  best  of  the  past  as  an  element  around  which  to  build  for  the 
future . 


I  am  sorry  to  have  to  report  that  the  growing  national  crime  problem 
is  now  an  increasingly  serious  matter  in  some  of  our  great  National 
Parks.  There  is  a  marked  increase  in  almost  every  category  of 
offense,  according  to  our  preliminary  data,  but  principally  in 
"car  clouting"  (stripping  automobiles  of  their  valuable  contents 
or  parts),  narcotics,  vandalism,  poaching,  and  traffic  violations. 

Law  enforcement  has  always  been  part  of  our  responsibility,  but 
with  limited  funds  and  manpower  shortages ,  we  have  been  hard 
pressed  in  some  areas  to  cope  with  these  increasing  problems. 
I  am  proud  to  say  that  our  park  personnel  very  keenly  feel  their 
obligation  for  the  protection  of  visitors  and  property.  They  have 
contributed  much  uncompensated  time  and  effort,  beyond  their  normal 
duty,  to  help  meet  this  need. 


We  have,  of  course,  stepped  up  our  law  enforcement  training 
effort.  Some  75  men  who  have  day-to-day  law  enforcement  duties 
will  benefit  from  practical  and  technical  training  sessions  now 
under  way.  We  are  working  with  a  number  of  other  Federal  agencies 
to  provide  our  personnel  with  specialized  training  in  narcotics 
control.  Our  personnel  have  also  received  training  in  law 
enforcement  courses  conducted  by  official  agencies  in  several 
states.  We  are  extremely  grateful  for  this  cooperation. 

From  present  indications,  law  enforcement  and  crowd  control  will 
be  an  increasing  problem,  for  which  there  are  no  short  range 
solutions.  This  is  a  matter  we  must  meet  head  on  with  adequate 
numbers  of  well-trained  personnel. 


The  Wilderness  Act,  Public  Law  88-577,  approved  September  3,  1964, 
established  mandatory  requirements  for  the  study  of  all  roadless 
areas  of  5,000  contiguous  acres,  or  more,  in  units  of  the  National 
Park  System  to  determine  their  suitability  or  nonsuit ability  for 
inclusion  in  the  National  Wilderness  Preservation  System,  and 
set  time  limits  for  its  implementation. 

One -third  of  the  wilderness  study  areas  of  the  National  Park 
System  (19)  were  scheduled  for  study  during  1964-67.   It  should 
be  noted  that  the  Wilderness  Act  allocated  only  three  years 
(1964-67)  for  the  completion  of  reviews  on  the  first  one-third 
of  the  study  areas  as  compared  with  four  years  allocated  for 
completion  of  the  second  review  period  which  ends  September  3, 

Because  of  the  great  amount  of  detailed  staff  work  required  to 
develop  instructions,  procedures  and  guidelines,  as  well  as  train 
personnel,  prepare  maps  and  master  plans,  schedule  and  hold  hear 
ings,  and  evaluate  the  hearing  testimony  in  order  to  comply  with 
the  legislation,  we  have  not  been  able  to  meet  the  scheduled 
completion  date  for  the  first  one-third  of  our  areas. 

Through  1967,  however,  reviews  of  15  of  the  19  areas  scheduled 
for  study  in  the  first  three-year  period  have  been  completed 
through  the  stages  of  study  and  public  hearings.   The  remaining 
four  areas  needed  to  complete  the  quota  of  19  are  scheduled  for 
public  hearings  between  now  and  May  1968.   We  are  confident  that 
this  program  will  be  on  schedule  before  the  end  of  this  year. 


Wilderness  studies  by  the  Service  are  carried  out  as  a  part  of 
the  master  plan  program.  For  the  information  of  the  Committee, 
there  is  attached  to  my  report  a  copy  of  the  administrative 
policies  (guidelines  and  procedures)  of  the  Service  for  the 
conduct  of  this  program.  We  would  be  pleased  to  supplement 
this  information  in  any  way  the  Committee  wishes. 

The  crucial  far-reaching  effects  of  this  act  upon  the  future 
management,  visitor  use,  and  development  of  the  units  of  the 
National  Park  System  are  yet  to  be  fully  realized.  For  example, 
since  enactment  of  the  wilderness  legislation  in  1964,  there 
appears  to  be  a  belief  on  the  part  of  some  that  the  providing 
of  facilities  within  National  Parks  for  the  accommodation  of 
visitors  is  now  contrary  to  the  purpose  of  National  Parks  and 
the  Congressional  policies  laid  down  for  their  management  and 
use.  In  our  opinion,  the  wilderness  act  provides  no  support 
for  such  a  view,  since  Section  4  of  the  Act  provides  that: 

"The  purposes  of  this  Act  are  hereby  declared  to 
be  *  *  *  supplemental  to  the  purposes  for  which 
*  *  *  units  of  the  national  park  system  are 
established  and  administered  *  *  *."  (Emphasis 
supplied) . 

Thus,  we  have  proceeded  in  our  wilderness  studies  on  the  basis 
that  the  Congress  by  enacting  the  wilderness  legislation  has  not 
changed  its  long  established  policy  for  the  management  and  use 
of  the  National  Parks. 

We  have  also  proceeded  in  our  studies  on  the  basis  that  the 
Congress  could  only  have  intended  by  making  the  Wilderness  Act 
applicable  to  the  National  Park  System  that  lands  within  National 
Parks  designated  by  the  Congress  as  wilderness  should,  if  anything, 
result  in  a  higher,  rather  than  a  lower,  standard  of  unimpaired 
preservation.  Accordingly,  in  our  studies  we  have  excluded  from 
wilderness  proposals  lands  within  the  National  Parks  which  are 
subject  to  stock  driveways,  grazing,  mineral  and  other  reserva 
tions  which  constitute  adverse  uses  of  park lands.   Additional 
details  involving  our  wilderness  use  and  management  criteria 
are  set  forth  in  the  statement  attached  to  my  report. 



Substantial  progress  has  been  made  in  our  land  acquisition 
program.  Emphasis  for  the  last  several  years  has  been  on  pur 
chasing  lands  in  the  newly  authorized  areas  of  the  National  Park 
System  which  will  serve  primarily  the  crowded  metropolitan  areas 

For  fiscal  year  1968,  Congress  appropriated  $32,269,000  for 
acquisitions  in  various  areas  of  the  National  Park  System.  The 
bulk  of  this  money  is  earmarked  for  new  areas.  Of  this  appro 
priation,  $3,326,800  is  for  inholdings  in  the  older  National 
Parks  and  Monuments.  Total  acreage  acquired  during  the  first 
half  of  fiscal  year  1968  is  47,967  acres  at  a  cost  of 

Although  it  was  not  concluded  in  1967,  one  of  the  most  significant 
achievements  of  our  1968  fiscal  year  land  acquisition  program  has 
been  the  acquisition  of  sufficient  lands,  and  interests  therein, 
to  insure  the  establishment  of  Piscataway  Park,  first  authorized 
by  the  Congress  on  October  4,  1961.  This  park,  which  insures 
the  protection  of  the  overview  from  Mount  Vernon,  is  a  conserva 
tion  milestone  in  cooperative  effort  by  private  individuals, 
organizations  and  their  government. 

As  encouraging  as  our  progress  has  been,  there  remains  an 
especially  difficult  problem  to  which  I  invite  your  attention. 

Privately  owned  lands  within  our  older  National  Parks  and 
Monuments  (usually  those  established  prior  to  1960)  constitute 
a  serious  and  growing  threat  to  the  integrity  of  our  National 
Park  System. 

The  problem  is  particularly  acute  in  the  Natural  Areas  of  the 
System  where  nearly  one-third  of  a  million  acres  remains  in 
private  ownership.  Ranging  in  size  from  0.2  of  an  acre  in 
Mount  McKinley  National  Park  to  more  than  69,000  acres  of  land 
and  semi -submerged  land  in  the  Everglades,  these  pockets  of 
private  property  are  found  in  44  of  the  66  National  Parks  and 
Monuments  designated  as  Natural  Areas. 

Compared  with  the  total  size  of  the  Natural  Areas— more  than 
22,000,000  acres— the  amount  of  privately  owned  land  may  seem 
statistically  insignificant.   But  like  the  worm  in  the  apple, 
these  "inholdings"  as  we  call  them,  often  have  a  devastating 
effect  upon  the  natural  integrity  of  a  park. 


This  li  due,  In  pare,  to  their  strategic  location.  Private 
inholdings  tend  to  cluster  around  the  prime  scenic  attractions 
of  the  parks,  or  along  natural  access  routes,  where  they  are  seen 
by  millions  of  visitors. 

Another  factor  is  that  the  harmful  uses  to  which  these  pockets  of 
private  property  are  put  have  impact  far  beyond  their  immediate 

As  the  Izaak  Walton  League  once  described  them,  they  often  are 
"festering  sores  in  an  otherwise  unspoiled  area  belonging  to  the 
whole  public." 

There  are,  I  believe,  three  overriding  reasons  why  private 
inholdings  are  incompatible  with  the  basic  purpose  and  function 
of  a  National  Park  and  should,  therefore,  be  eliminated. 

Pirst,  the  wide  variety  of  adverse  uses  that  take  place  on  these 
private  parcels  of  property  are  destructive  of  park  values- 
scenery,  wildlife,  forest  and  flowers— in  short,  the  very  features 
that  made  the  area  worthy  of  being  a  National  Park  in  the  first 

Por  example,  the  owner  of  an  ocean  front  property  in  Virgin  Islands 
National  Park  brought  in  a  bulldozer  and  began  to  strip  the  sand 
from  his  beautiful  beach  to  sell  it  commercially.  Another  landowner 
on  scenic  Lake  McDonald  in  Glacier  National  Park  chopped  down  the 
stately  pines  on  his  lakeside  lot  to  clear  the  way  for  a  mobile 
hot -dog  stand. 

On  other  inholdings  in  National  Parks  and  Monuments  you  will  find 
sawmills  and  lumber  yards;  shoddy  trailer  courts  and  garish  souvenir 
shops;  gravel  pits  and  logging  operations. 

You  also  will  find  power  plants  and  mining  operations;  gas  stations 
and  auto  junkyards;  garbage  dumps  and  private  airports,  and  last, 
but  not  least,  proliferating  residential  subdivisions— an  increasingly 
serious  problem. 

The  second  basic  reason  why  inholdings  are  undesirable  is  the  bad 
impact  they  have  on  the  park  visitor.  They  spoil  his  view  of  the 
natural  scene  and  demean  his  esthetic  experience  with  intrusions 


of  a  blatantly  commercial  nature.  They  deny  him  access  to  choice 
areas  of  the  park,  and  block  the  development  of  new  public  facili 
ties  for  his  enjoyment  and  protection. 

For  example,  the  visitor  who  enters  Olympic  National  Park  via 
the  Elwha  River  Road  will  be  greeted  by  large  signs  announcing 
a  trailer  campsite  development  on  one  side  of  the  road,  and  by 
an  abandoned  gas  station  adjoining  a  fenced  cattle  pasture  on 
the  other. 

At  Lake  McDonald  in  Glacier  National  Park,  a  privately  owned 
sliver  of  lakefront  property  blocks  the  development  of  a  badly 
needed  public  boat -launch ing  ramp,  while  elsewhere  on  the  lake 
12 -foot  cyclone  fences  bar  visitors  from  privately  owned  sections 
of  beach. 

At  Yosemite  National  Park,  a  gaping  gravel  pit  on  the  bank  of  the 
Merced  River  preempts  a  desirable  public  campground  site. 

In  the  Taylor  Slough  of  Everglades  National  Park--a  biological 
resource  of  enormous  signif icance --quick-buck  operators  moved  in 
with  bulldozers  to  create  primitive  roads  so  they  can  peddle 
"waterfront"  lots.  Farther  north,  in  the  labyrinth  country  of 
the  park,  similar  real  estate  promotions  threaten  the  proposed 
Inland  Wilderness  Waterway  from  Flamingo  to  the  Ten  Thousand 
Islands  area.  The  potential  damage  from  these  activities  to  the 
fragile  ecology  of  the  Everglades  is  incalculable. 

A  third  urgent  reason  for  eliminating  private  inholdlngs  from  the 
parks  is  that  money  and  manpower,  needed  for  the  basic  job  of  pro 
tecting  and  preserving  the  parks  and  serving  the  visitors,  must  be 
diverted  to  deal  with  the  administrative  problems  created  by  the 
adverse  uses  of  the  property. 

This  is  especially  acute  where  large  residential  subdivisions 
exist  within  parks,  as  at  Kings  Canyon,  Glacier,  and  Yosemite. 

Park  superintendents  suddenly  find  themselves  confronted  with 
most  of  the  problems  facing  a  professional  municipal  executive- 
law  enforcement,  fire  protection,  zoning  and  construction,  sewage 
and  garbage  disposal,  traffic  control,  inspection  of  food  handlers 
and  regulation  of  a  variety  of  commercial  activities. 


Wawona  Village  in  Yosemite  National  Park  is  a  striking  example 
of  this  problem.  Private  ownership  in  this  640-acre  section  of 
land  dates  back  to  the  1890 's  when  it  was  acquired  under  the 
Homestead  Act. 

Down  through  the  years,  Wawona  Village,  like  Topsy,  "just  growed" 
without  controls  on  zoning,  lot  sizes,  street  widths,  construction, 
or  any  organized  planning  for  water  supply  or  sewage  disposal. 
During  the  past  three  years,  growth  has  been  explosive. 

Today,  Wawona  Village  is  a  booming  subdivision  of  private  in- 
holdings,  criss-crossed  by  roads  and  utility  lines,  and  bristling 
with  "NO  TRESPASSING"  signs.  It  is  a  hodge-podge  community  of 
rental  cabins,  dilapidated  cottages,  expensive  new  year-around 
homes  in  the  $20,000  to  $60,000  bracket,  motels  and  trailer 
courts,  a  lumber  yard,  stores  and  restaurants. 

Wawona  is  a  community  beset  with  perplexing  problems  of  sewage 
and  garbage  disposal,  fire  protection  and  law  enforcement,  traffic 
control  and  public  sanitation.  Since  most  property  owners  draw 
their  water  from  individual  wells  and  dispose  of  their  sewage 
through  septic  tanks  and  leaching  fields,  there  also  is  a  very 
real  threat  of  water  pollution  in  the  future  even  though  the 
water  is  now  potable. 

The  ever-increasing  adverse  uses  of  private  lands ,  coupled  with 
the  increasing  popularity  of  the  parks,  is  intensified  by  the 
growth  of  population  and  the  economic  development  of  the  country. 
This  makes  the  inholdings  problem  one  of  the  most  serious  facing 
the  National  Park  Service  today. 

And  the  situation  can  only  get  worse  with  time  because  the  cost 
of  acquiring  these  properties  continues  to  escalate  as  the  demand 
for  desirable  recreational  land  grows  ever  more  fierce. 

The  estimated  cost  of  acquiring  all  the  private  inholdings  in  the 
Natural  Areas  of  the  Park  System  is  now  $114,000,000  compared  with 
$59,000,000  in  1961 — an  increase  of  93  percent  in  six  years.  And 
this  is  a  conservative  estimate. 

On  the  average,  the  price  of  private  properties  inside  our  National 
Parks  is  escalating  at  a  rate  of  12  to  24  percent  per  year.  In 
some  cases,  it  is  a  great  deal  more. 


In  Grand  Teton  National  Park,  for  example,  the  value  of  privately 
owned  land  has  increased  from  an  average  $1,000  per  acre  in  1957 
to  $4,500  per  acre  in  1965— a  350  percent  increase  in  eight  years. 

In  Yosemite  National  Park,  for  example,  a  land  company  bought  a 
160-acre  tract  in  1961  for  $25,000.  Four  years  later,  the  Depart 
ment  of  the  Interior  filed  a  notice  of  taking  (condemnation)  and 
deposited  in  court  $175,000  as  the  estimated  fair  market  value  — 
a  600  percent  increase  over  the  original  purchase  price.  And  the 
court  has  not  yet  made  a  final  determination. 

Last  year,  the  National  Park  Service  bought  the  Sol  Due  property— 
in  Olympic  National  Park — a  320-acre  health  resort  featuring  hot 
springs,  for  $880,000,  more  than  three  and  one-half  times  the 
official  appraisal  price  set  just  five  years  earlier. 

In  1962,  the  National  Park  Service  purchased  the  530-acre  Steads 
Ranch  in  Rocky  Mountain  National  Park  for  $750,000— up  50  percent 
from  the  asking  price  of  $500,000  in  1958. 

In  1954,  the  543 -acre  McFarland  Ranch  in  Glacier  National  Park 
was  appraised  at  $60,000,  but  when  we  filed  condemnation  proceed 
ings  last  year,  the  appraised  value  had  risen  to  $181,570— an 
increase  of  300  percent  in  12  years.  Had  we  been  able  to  buy 
this  property  in  1941,  the  price  would  have  been  an  estimated 
$3,389,  appraised  value. 

These  and  other  examples  I  could  cite  point  to  one  inescapable 
conclusion:  We  must  take  action  now  on  an  orderly,  sustained 
basis  to  acquire  these  private  inhol dings  that  are  causing  an 
alarming  erosion  of  natural  values  in  our  National  Parks. 

However,  I  wish  to  make  it  clear  that  it  is  not  our  objective  to 
proceed  precipitously  to  disrupt  the  lives  of  our  citizens  who 
have  spent  years  developing  and  operating  homesteads  and  similar 
properties,  many  of  which  existed  long  before  the  establishment  of 
some  of  our  National  Parks  and  Monuments,  the  continuance  of  which 
remain  largely  compatible  with  the  purpose  of  the  park.  To  insure 
full  understanding  on  this  matter  we  have  developed  administrative 
policies  and  procedures  to  guide  the  acquisition  of  land  and  water 
rights  within  the  natural  areas  provided  the  Congress  supports  our 
program.  A  copy  of  this  statement  is  attached  to  my  report. 


In  my  judgment,  the  objectives  of  acquiring  inholdings  in  our 
older  National  Parks  and  Monuments  can  best  be  achieved  by  the 
annual  appropriation  of  a  realistic  amount  of  Land  and  Water  Act 
monies  in  a  manner  that  would  give  the  Service  the  flexibility 
needed  to  meet  the  rapidly  changing  conditions  of  the  real  estate 
market . 

This  would  enable  the  Service  to  acquire  lands  at  the  lowest 
possible  cost  to  the  taxpaying  public  because  we  could  purchase 
them  on  an  "opportunity"  basis,  as  they  become  available,  or  are 
about  to  be  put  on  the  market. 

It  would  also  permit  us  to  react  quickly  to  block  commercial  or 
industrial  development  that  might  cause  irreparable  damage  to 
National  Park  values  when  historical  uses  are  about  to  be  changed 
and  it  is  not  possible  to  prevent  such  developments  through  a 
negotiated  purchase. 

Finally,  it  would  enable  us  to  move  forward  with  an  orderly, 
efficient  program  of  eliminating  a  blight  that  threatens  one  of 
the  most  cherished  natural  resources  of  the  American  people— their 
superlative  system  of  National  Parks  and  Monuments. 


Few  will  deny  that  the  quality  of  the  home  directly  affects  the 
quality  of  the  life  of  its  occupants.  The  home  of  man  doesn't 
end  at  the  doorstep,  or  yard's  edge.  Home  is  the  world  we  live 
in.  Its  furnishings  are  the  soil  and  water,  the  air,  the  sunlight, 
the  growing  things,  and  the  reminders  of  man's  past,  whose  finest 
combinations  are  epitomized  in  the  National  Park  System  and  the 
PARKSCAPE  of  which  they  are  the  key  part.  If  man's  destiny  is  to 
be  the  good  life,  we  must  make  the  home  of  man  a  place  worth  living 


HARTZOG,  George  Benjamin,  Jr.,  govt.  ofcl.;  b. 
Colleton  County,  S.C.,  Mar.  17,  1920;  8.  George 
Benjamin  and  Maxell  (Steedly)  H.;  student  Wofford 
Coll.,  Spartanburg,  S.C.,  1037;  B.S.  in  Bus.  Ad- 
minstrn.,  Am.  U.,  1053;  m.  Helen  Carlson,  June  28. 
1947;  children— Ceorge,  Nancy,  Edward.  With  Bur. 
Land  Mgmt.  and  Nat.  Park  Service,  Dept.  Interior, 
1046-62;  exec.  dir.  Downtown  St.  Louise,  Inc., 
1062-63:  asso.  dir.  Nat.  Park  Service,  1063-64, 
dir.,  1064 — ;  trustee  John  F.  Kennedy  Center  Per 
forming  Arts,  1064 — ;  admitted  to  S.C.  bar,  1042, 
Mo.  bar,  1063,  also  Supreme  Ct.  U.S.  Home:  4818 
Old  Dominion  Dr.,  Arlington,  Va.  22207.  Office; 
Interior  Blclg.,  Washington  20240. 

Entry  from  Who's  Who  in  America,  1967-1968. 




United  States  Department  of  the  Interior 

WASHINGTON,  B.C.     20240 

December  15,  1972 

Mrs.  Amelia  R.  Fry 
Regional  Cultural  History 
Room  486  Library 
University  of  California 
Berkeley,  California  94720 

Dear  Mrs .  Fry : 

Before  leaving  my  post  on  December  31,  I  want  you 
to  know  how  much  I  appreciate  all  your  support  and 
assistance  during  the  time  it  has  been  my  privilege 
to  serve  as  Director  of  the  National  Park  Service. 
It  has  been  a  genuine  pleasure  and  a  high  honor  to 
have  had  the  opportunity  to  work  with  you. 

With  warmest  personal  regards  and  every  good  wish, 
I  am 

Siyicerely  yours, 

1643  Chain  Bridge  Road 
McLean,  Virginia   22101 

National  Parks  Centennial  1872-1972 




14144  UiCKEN'f)  8THKLT 

(213)    780-8202 


This  memorandum  is  written  to  set  forth  my  views  on  the  resignation  of  Director  George  B. 
Hartzog,  Jr.  of  the  National  Park  Service  and  the  appointment  of  Ronald  H.  Walker  as  his 
successor.    I  hope  it  will  answer  most  of  the  Questions  coming  to  me  by  letter  and  telephone 
from  persons  in  the  Park  Service  as  well  as  from  people  in  private  life. 

I  deplore  the  departure  of  Director  Hartzog  for  he  is  a  career  man,  and  I  thought  he  has 
managed  the  National  Park  Service  well  in  the  nearly  nine  years  of  his  leadership  of  it.    I 
regret  the  decision  not  to  seek  a  successor  from  the  ranks  of  the  National  Park  Service  per 
sonnel  and  the  appointment  of  Mr.  Walker  who  has  had  no  part  in  the  national  park  admini 
stration  .    Not  knowing  Mr.  Walker,  I  make  no  comment  on  his  capabilities  as  an  administra 
tor  to  direct  the  affairs  of  the  service.    No  doubt  he  is  a  very  capable  man.    I  hope  he  will  be 
a  very  successful  administrator  of  the  National  Park  Service. 

Fifty-six  years  ago  when  legislation  to  create  the  National  Park  Service  division  was  being 
framed,  Interior  Department  officials  and  members  of  the  Congress  deliberately  planned  a 
bureau  along  the  lines  of  the  U.S.  Geological  Survey  in  the  Department  of  the  Interior  and  the 
U.S.  Forest  Service  Li  the  Department  of  Agriculture;  career  bureaus  of  profossional  men 
and  women.    The  law  establishing  the  National  Park  Service  provided  for  an  agency  with  all 
career  officers.  Of  the  seven  directors  heading  the  Service  since  1916,  six  have  been  national 
park  administrators.    The  one  exception,  that  of  Newton  B.  Drury,  was  involved  in  the  Save- 
the-Redwoods  League  and  closely  associated  with  the  National  Park  Service.    Mr.  Drury  had 
been  executive  secretary  of  the  former  for  twenty  years  and  was  a  dedicated  conservationist 
thoroughly  familiar  with  national  park  affairs. 

My  apprehensions  are  that  a  departure  from  the  appointment  policies  of  56  years  in  selecting 
a  National  Park  Service  director  may  mean  that  the  bureau's  employees  may  no  longer  feel 
the  aspiration  to  head  their  agency. 

As  I  see  it,  the  National  Park  Service  is  one  of  the  largest  and  most  important  conservation 
agencies  and  has  been  very  successful  in  managing  a  huge  segment  of  our  American  heritage. 
It  has  about  6,000  employees  and  supervises  the  management  aid  protection  of  nearly 
30,000,000  acres  of  public  land.    Always  closely  in  contact  with  the  public,  the  Park  Service 
is  a  sensitive  agency  making  professional  administration  essential. 

When  the  newly  appointed  director  begins  his  service,  he  can  count  on  my  advice  and  support 
if  he  fools  the  need  of  it.    On  June  2,  1973,  it  will  have  been  60  years  since  I  joined  the  Depart 
ment  of  the  Interior.    My  loyally  to  it  and  its  National  Park  Service  has  never  faltered  and  is 
still  as  strong  as  ever.    Furthermore  I  still  firmly  favor  the  plan  to  build  around  it  the  Depart 
ment  of  Natural  Resources. 

Horace  M.  Albright 

December  26,  1972 


INDEX  —  George  B.  Hartzog 

Advisory  Board  on  National  Parks,  Historic  Sites  and  Buildings,  45,  46 

Agriculture,  U.S.  Department  of,   17 

Albright,  Horace,   6 

American  Forestry  Association,   50 

Anderson,  Clinton,   54 

Antiquities  Act,   26 

Aspinall,  Wayne,   52 

Bible,  A.  H. ,   53 
Bridge  Canyon,   24 

Canyonlands  National  Park,   21 

Church,  F.  F. ,   54 

city  parks  program  (of  National  Park  Service),   7-8 

Cliff,  Ed,   18 

concessions  management  (see  National  Park  Service,  park  management  policy) 

Congress,  U.S. 

appropriations  for  parks,  55-58 

Interior  and  Insular  Committees,   51 
conservation  organizations,   58-59 
Crafts,  Ed,   18 

dam  construction,   21,  24 
Death  Valley,  21 
Drury,  Newton,   6,  21 

Forest  Service,  U.S. 

relations  with  Outdoor  Recreation  and  Resources  Review  Commission 
(ORRRC) ,   15-16 

retirement  policy,   12 
Freeman,  Orville,   17 

Glacier  Bay  National  Park,  21 

Grand  Canyon  National  Park,  24,  25 

Grand  Teton  National  Park,  53 

grazing  in  national  parks,  36 

Great  Smoky  Mountains  National  Park,   28-29,  33 

Hartzog,  George  B. 

education  and  experience  to  1965,   1-7 

attorney  for  National  Park  Service,  2,  6 

career  with  National  Park  Service,  2-3,  6-7,  10,  pass im 

Historic  Sites  Act  of  1935,  41 

hunting  in  national  parks,   38 


Interior,  U.S.  Department  of,   1,  13,  17 
Bureau  of  Land  Management,   39,  43 
Bureau  of  Outdoor  Recreation  (BOR) ,   9,  13-16,  18 

Isle  Royale  National  Park,   62 

Jackson,  H.  M. ,   53,  54 

Jordan,  B.  E. ,   53 

Jefferson  National  Expansion  Memorial,  2-3,  6-7 

Krug,  Julius,   64 

Land  and  Water  Conservation  Fund,   55-56 

Lee ,  Ronnie ,   10 


concession  bill,   62-63 

favoring  park  preservation,  21-23,  52-54 
Leopold,  Starker,   36 

Mather,  Steve,   20 

Metcalf,  Lee,   54 

mining  in  national  parks,   20-23 

Mission  66  Program,   55 

Moss,  Ted,   54 

Mount  McKinley  National  Park,  21 

Muir  woods ,   55 

National  Park  Advisory  Board  on  Wildlife  Management,   36 
National  Park  Service 

acquisition  policy,  40-41 

park  management  policy,   36-42 

concessions  management,   2,  3-4,  60-65 

relations  to  other  agencies,   13-19 

relations  with  Congress,  45-48,  51,  60 

research  program  of,   33-34 

resources  management  program,   36-37 

structure  and  reorganization,   33-35,  41-44,  51 

Oregon  Dunes ,  the ,   54 

Outdoor  Recreation  and  Resources  Review  Commission  (ORRRC) ,   13-16 

Ozark  National  Scenic  Riverways,  47-48 

Park,  Parkway  and  Recreation  Area  Study  Act  (1936),   14 

park  rangers,  responsibilities  of,   31-32 


profile  of  usage,   30-31 

public  attitude  toward,   20-22,  46-49 
Parks  for  America.   14 
Point  Reyes ,   57 
Preston,  John,   10 


Rivers,  Ralph,   52 

Save  the  Redwoods  League,  49 
Say lor,  John,  52 
Scoyen,  Eivind,  9-10 
Senate,  U.S. 

Appropriations  Committee,   57,  58 
Sequoia  National  Park,  59 
Sierra  Club,  49,  52 
Simpson,  M.  L.,  53-54 
Stoddard,  Charles,  43 

transportation  in  national  parks,  24-30 

Udall,  Stewart,  3,  17-19,  22,  24,  41,  45,  46,  48 

urban  parks,   7-8,  34 

Urban  Renewal  Administration,   18 

vandalism  in  parks,  31-32 
Vint,  Thomas,   10 

Wilderness  Act,  22-23,  57 

Wilderness  Conference,  25,  52 

wilderness  preservation,  8,  22 

wildlife  management  in  national  parks,  36,  37-38 

Wirth,  Conrad,  3,  9-13,  33,  55 

Yellowstone  National  Park,  53 
Yosemite  Valley,  32,  39 

Amelia  R.  Fry 

Graduated  from  the  University  of  Oklahoma  in  1947 
with  a  B.A.  in  psychology,  wrote  for  campus  magazine; 
Master  of  Arts  in  educational  psychology  from  the 
University  of  Illinois  in  1952,  with  heavy  minors  in 
English  for  both  degrees. 

Taught  freshman  English  at  the  University  of  Illinois 

1947-48,  and  Hiram  College  (Ohio)  1954-55.  Also 

taught  English  as  a  foreign  language  in  Chicago  1950-53. 

Writes  feature  articles  for  various  newspapers,  was 
reporter  for  a  suburban  daily  1966-67.  Writes  pro 
fessional  articles  for  journals  and  historical  magazines, 

Joined  the  staff  of  Regional  Oral  History  Office  in 
February,  1959. 

Conducted  interview  series  on  University  history, 
woman  suffrage,  the  history  of  conservation  and 
forestry,  and  public  administration  and  politics. 

Director,  Earl  Warren  Oral  History  Project 

Secretary,  Oral  History  Association;  oral  history 
editor,  Journal  of  Library  History.  Philosophy,  and 
Comparative  Librarianship. 

1JU  ,